
Unlike tennis or football, badminton is a sport whose popularity has been traditionally relegated to a handful of Asian countries and some obscure tournaments elsewhere in the world, including Europe.


But the sport is hoping to undergo a massive makeover as the Badminton World Federation, the governing body, carries out a three-year plan designed to 'grow the badminton brand' world-wide and increase its revenues.

但如今这种现状有望得到改观。国际羽毛球运动管理组织羽毛球世界联合会(Badminton World Federation,中文简称"羽球世联",以下简称BWF)推出了一项为期三年的计划,希望借此提高羽毛球运动的知名度,并增加相关的收入。

'We have started a thoroughreview on how the fans look at the BWF and at the tournaments and know we have the potential to increase awareness amongst fans with a stronger and much clearer communication,' said Thomas Lund, Chief Operating Officer at the BWF. To help with the process, Mr. Lund explains, his organization commissioned an audit to sponsorship agency Octagon.

BWF首席运营长隆德(Thomas Lund)说,我们就球迷如何看待BWF和世锦赛等问题展开了彻底的调研。结果显示,如果我们能加强沟通的力度,那么我们还是能增加这项运动在球迷中的受欢迎度的。隆德解释道,BWF委托全球知名的体育赛事赞助咨询公司八方环球(Octagon)进行了调研。

The research quickly spotted major challenges to the sport's potential to grow. There are geographical limitations to the game (since it's mainly watched in Asia and Europe) and playing badminton doesn't always translate into people watching it or attending tournaments, the report found. It also showed that the current badminton experience for audiences 'needed to be enhanced' to lure more people into the game.


So Octagon, says Lucy Strong, vice president of Octagon Asia, came up with a series of recommendations to increase its presence, which, she believes, can also be applied to other sports looking to raise their profiles. For a sport that has five different types of tournament and a wide mix of single and mixed categories, Octagon recommends improving the quality of BWF competitions and creating 'benchmark events' as oppose to initiating new ones.

八方环球亚洲区的副总裁斯特朗(Lucy Strong)表示,该公司提出了一系列建议以提升羽毛球运动的吸引力。在她看来,这些建议和措施同样适用于其它希望增加曝光度的运动项目。由于羽毛球运动赛事复杂(有五种不同的锦标赛),种类繁多(不仅有单双打,还有混双),八方环球建议BWF提高赛事质量,设计出"标杆赛事"(benchmark events),不要急于开办新的赛事。

Badminton authorities should also promote a more broadcaster-friendly schedule to capture more viewers and upgrade the quality of their TV production, Octagon said in the report. The agency has also recommended the BWF develop its players into global stars.


'Tell the 'story of Badminton' through the sport's best asset -- its players,' the report said. 'Allocate appropriate resources to help the fan know the players and help the players to become stars -- even beyond the world of badminton.'


Although modern badminton was created by British military officers in India, the sport will face an uphill battle to reach the level of popularity it enjoys in Asia. In China and India, it has participation levels of around 30% of the population, far in excess of levels in Europe. In South Korea and India badminton is ranked as the second most popular sport, in China as number four, while it is ranked number eight in the U.K. and 10 in Canada.


Such is the popularity in places such as China that racketplayers like retired Eddy Choong have enjoyed a treatment reserved for the likes of David Beckham or Scottie Pippen in their own sports.

在中国这样的羽毛球大国,像庄友明(Eddy Choong,马来西亚著名羽球运动员)这样的退役羽球选手所享受到的荣誉,堪比戴维•贝克汉姆(David Beckham)或斯科特•皮蓬(Scottie Pippen)在各自领域所能享受到的辉煌。

'In many countries in Europe the sport does not enjoy the same popularity as a TV sport as the participation figures should indicate -- this is then what we are now targeting with our efforts to popularize the sport,' Mr. Lund said.


Ms. Strong, however, recognized that following these suggestions won't be easy. 'It feels impossible and it won't happen overnight, but if you look at this historically the NBA wasn't the NBA either at the beginning,' she said. 'It [the NBA] has successfully delivered on the components above to provide fans with a rich and exciting basketball experience. Fans understand that 'NBA' means the best basketball; they know where and when to tune in to watch their favorite team and most exciting match-ups; they know whenever or wherever they attend a game it will be a high-level sports experience.'


She hoped badminton would be able to provide a similar experience for its fans. 'They [NBA fans] know if they watch a game on TV that the commentary, production and in-game visual enhancements will be first-rate and help them to better understand and enjoy watching their favorite team; they know about basketball players and their performance on and off the court.'


As a result, she said, the NBA has been embraced by sponsors from around the globe and she sees no reason why this can't be achieved in badminton. Her hopes are shared by BWF's Mr. Lund who believes a recent deal struck with IMG Media will help to achieve his higher goals.

她说,结果就是,NBA成了全球赞助商的宠儿。她认为羽毛球完全可以复制这样的成功。她的愿景和隆德不谋而合,后者相信最近与IMG Media签署的协议将有助于实现更高的目标。

This month, the BWF appointed IMG Media, a division of IMG Worldwide, to handle all media rights for its key events in all territories, across all five continents. Mr. Lund hopes the deal, which comes into effect in 2011, will help the sport's brand gain acceptance in previously unexplored markets. 'With IMG's world-wide networking, the BWF aims to bring the sport to new markets and strengthen our position in existing markets,' he said.

本月,BWF委托IMG Media(IMG全球[IMG Worldwide]的一个分支)来处理在五大洲各个地区举行的重大赛事的媒体事宜。隆德希望这份将于2011年生效的协议有助于开拓此前不太接受羽毛球运动的市场。他说,利用IMG的全球网络,BWF希望能将这项运动带入新的市场,并巩固在现有市场的地位。

IMG Media's Dan Markham, the company's commercialdirector for Asia Pacific, believes the sport has 'a massive global participation level' but that hasn't always resulted in profitable revenues. He also believes that through this new partnership, both the BWF and IMG -- which has experience in the production of cricket's Indian Premier League and football's English Premier League -- will be able to create a better media product and increase the visibility, participation and sponsors of the game.

IMG Media亚太区的商业主管马卡姆(Dan Markham)认为羽毛球运动在全球的参与度很高,但这没有转化为可观的盈利收入。他同时认为,通过这项崭新的合作,BWF和IMG能够缔造一个更完美的媒体产品,提高羽球运动的知名度、参与度和赞助商的层次。IMG曾经成功推广了印度板球超级联赛(Indian Premier League)和英格兰足球超级联赛(English Premier League,简称英超)。

Still, some are skeptical of the ambitions of turning badminton into a global sport on a par with the most popular games. Danish player Peter Gade, the world's number two, thinks the sport is still at an amateur stage and that it will take a while for that status to change.

不过,也有一些人对羽毛球试图成为一项全球性运动、想和其它流行运动比肩看齐的野心持怀疑态度。世界排名第二的丹麦选手皮特•盖德(Peter Gade)认为这项运动还处于业余水平,要改变这种现状仍需一段时间。

'Badminton is not a sport that you can compare to golf or tennis,' he says. 'It is still an amateur sport. There are too many categories and it needs to be more media-oriented.


'The potential for the sport is unused but the IMG deal might change that. But things are moving so slow.'
