
It is a lot easier to buy gold than to sell it-at least for a good price.


It isn't that there aren't plenty of opportunities to sell out there: Gold purchasers are swarming like mosquitoes after a summer shower. Local jewelers, coin shops and seemingly every other cable-television advertiser will buy your gold and maybe even your silver, too.


The nation's largest jewelry-store chain, Kay Jewelers, last year opened an online service to buy gold jewelry, and last week, one of the largest pawn-shop chains, Cash America International, launched Gold Promise, an online gold-buying service with the gold-chain-festooned Mr. T as a spokesman.

美国最大的珠宝首饰连锁商凯氏珠宝(Kay Jewelers)去年开通了网上收购黄金首饰的服务,而美国最大的连锁当铺之一Cash America International也在上周推出了名为"黄金承诺"(Gold Promise)的网上收购黄金的服务,其代言人是全身上下披挂各式金链的Mr. T。

The price of gold touched an all-time high of $1,388 an ounce earlier this month, and the price of silver reached a 30-year peak of more than $24 an ounce. But the prices that buyers pay vary widely.


Some will give you as little as 10% of the meltdown value for gold jewelry and coins. Many jewelry stores, including Kay Jewelers, a unit of Signet Jewelers, pay about 50% of the meltdown value. Coin shops tend to pay more: up to 80%-assuming the coins don't have a higher collectible value-and a few online players may offer as much as 90%.

有些商家给出的收购价非常低,仅为金首饰和金币熔炼后实际金价的10%。包括美国珠宝零售商Signet Jewelers旗下凯氏珠宝在内的很多珠宝店,其收购价是熔炼后实际金价的50%左右。钱币商店对金币开出的收购价往往较高,可达到熔炼后金价的80%,少数几个网上金币的收购者可能还会开出高达熔炼金价90%的报价,这些价格假定所卖金币不具备更高的收藏价值。

Your first step should be to check out a potential buyer, making sure the firm has a clean record and a grade of at least A-minus with the Better Business Bureau. Through September, the BBB has received about 500 complaints about gold-buying services, up from 111 for all of 2008. Ideally, coin dealers will belong to one of the big trade groups, such as the American Numismatic Association or the Professional Numismatists Guild.

出售金制品之前,首先应验证收购商身份,确保该公司履历清白,在美国接受消费者投诉及调查的非盈利机构Better Business Bureau(BBB)那里有着至少A-的评级。BBB今年9月收到有关金制品收购服务投诉约500件,而此类投诉在2008年全年也才只有111件。钱币交易商按理应属于一个大的行业团体,如美国钱币协会(American Numismatic Association)或专业钱币收藏家协会(Professional Numismatists Guild)。

For those who like to buy low and sell high, this should be a good time to take some profits on precious metals that you have been hoarding or stored, half-forgotten, in the closet. Here are some steps for getting the best deals:


• Know what you are selling. If you are turning jewelry into cash, remember that 14-karat gold is only 58.5% pure gold and won't bring in anywhere near the daily price you hear on the news. You need to know how much pure gold content you have to estimate its value or compare offers. Gold jewelry often is measured in pennyweights, with 20 to the ounce; a buyer should provide this information.


Remove any gems before offering your pieces for sale, and be aware that some well-designed or antiquejewelry may be worth more than its weight in gold.


Before selling coins, research values online or use annual printed guides to estimate your holdings' worth. You may benefit from having rare coins 'graded,' or formally assessed by an expert, since a few points on the quality scale can mean the difference between a $100 coin and a $1,000 coin.


No matter what you are selling, get at least two, and preferably three, bids. Getting local bids is easy enough, but online sellers typically require you to send in your stuff, and some have confusing return policies. Some buyers require you to accept an offer on the spot, while others allow you to change your mind and get your items back within 10 to 30 days.


In addition to checking out the firm's rules, let the bidders know you are comparing offers. Dealers say they will make a more-aggressive offer if they know they are competing for business.


• Ensure your insurance. Some online services will send you shipping materials, cover the shipping costs and insurance, and let you see a video of your package being opened. But relying on someone else's insurance can be tricky if the package is lost in transit and the firm disputes the value of what you sent, even if you kept a detailed list. Instead, some dealers recommend you ship your items via the U.S. Post Office, which allows you to buy up to $25,000 in insurance. (FedEx, by contrast, limits coverage for jewelry and collectibles to $1,000, while United Parcel Service doesn't accept coins, gold bars or bullion for shipment.)

一定要买保险。有些网上收购商的流程是:你用它们给你寄来的包装材料对金制品进行包装,然后发给买家,买家会承担运费和保险,收到货后买家会拍下打开包裹的全过程并将这一录像放给你看。但如果所寄包裹在运输途中丢失且收货方对你所寄物品的价值持有异议,那么即使你保留了邮寄清单,可能买家的保险也帮不了你的忙。相反,有些交易商建议你通过美国邮政总局(U.S. Post Office)发送金制品,最多你可购买2.5万美元的保险。(联邦快递(FedEx)对首饰和收藏品规定的保费上限是1,000美元,而美国联合包裹运送服务公司(United Parcel Service)则不接受钱币、金条或金砖的运送。)

• Start small. If you plan to unload a large holding, sell a few valuable coins or a couple of jewelry pieces first to be sure the buyer meets your standards. 'Do one transaction and make sure you're satisfied,' says Jeff Garrett, a rare-coin dealer in Lexington, Ky., who has written a book on buying and selling gold.

别想一口吃个胖子。如果你计划脱手一大批黄金存货,先试着出售几个值钱的金币或两三件金首饰,确保买家符合你的条件。美国肯塔基州稀有钱币交易商加勒特(Jeff Garrett)说,先做成一笔交易再说,要确保自己对交易满意。加勒特写过一本有关金制品买卖的书。

Don't expect to get the retail price, of course. Generally, dealers say the spread between what they pay and what they sell a coin for will range between 5% and 35%, with a larger spread for rare items and for small collections.


• Don't forget the taxman. Gold, silver and coins are treated as collectibles, and gains are currently taxed at up to 28%-a higher rate than long-term gains on stocks and bonds. If you are liquidating a large collection, you may want to check with your accountant first to understand your potential tax liability.


Karen Blumenthal