annualrelease of the Forbes 400 list of Richest Americans has become an important part of the country's Horatio Alger faith. All those new billionaires, starting out with little or nothing,
working hard and riding a great idea to vast
美国《福布斯》杂志(Forbes)每年发布的"全美400富豪榜"(400 list of Richest Americans)已经成为美国梦的重要一部分,就像霍瑞修口爱尔杰(Horatio Alger)的励志小说一样鼓舞人心。很多新入榜的亿万富翁都是白手起家,辛勤劳作,在实现自己伟大梦想的过程中积累起巨大的财富。
Only this year tells a different story: A
scarcity of new
wealth, and a hardening of the plutocracy.
This year there were only 16 new members of the 400, compared with 19 last year (the worst economic year for the richest Americans) and far less than the roaring 2000s, when 40 to 50 newly minted billionaires were joining the list
Part of the
enduring myth of the Forbes list is mobility. Anyone can become a billionaire with luck, pluck and
venture capital. At the same time, anyone can fall off. Wealth is fluid, with the mailboxes in Billionaireville
constantly changing names.
But mobility among billionaires seems to be declining. Bill Gates tops the list for the 17th straight year, with Warren Buffett once again No. 2, followed by Larry Ellison and the Walton family - as per
previous years. The Koch brothers moved up a few notches, but that doesn't seem like real mobility.
然而,全美400富豪榜的流动性似乎正在下降。今年比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)已经连续17年位居榜首,沃伦•巴菲特(Bill Gates)再次名列第二,拉里•埃里森(Larry Ellison)和沃尔顿家族(Walton family)紧随其后──这些排名常年保持不变。科赫兄弟(Koch brothers)的排名前进了几位,但也不算什么实质性的变化。
What is even more troubling than the slowing of mobility of the super-rich are the sources of new
wealth. Most of the 16 new members of the Forbes list are in old industries: coal, natural gas, chemicals and casinos. Not exactly the
formula for America's vaunted entrepreneurial
wealth machine.
Yes, there are the Three Amigos from
Facebook. But there are no new billionaires from tech, or the Green Economy, or biotechnology or any other
revolutionary product or industry.
wealth is being created, even in this
economy. But in the U.S., it just seems to be going to the already
wealthy, since the Forbes listers as a whole increased their fortunes 8%. Tomorrow's American rich don't seem to be doing as well.
Do you think America's plutocracy is becoming stale? Why?