
   Lesson 7 Sports Stars


   1. over-rated: adj. 估计过高的 over-rate : vt.

   I have read an over-rated book recently.

   Don't overrate him or he will disappoint you.

   2. look back 回顾,回想

   They like to look back on/upon/over those unforgettable

   years in the army.

   3. strict: adj.严格的

   I think our teacher is very strict with us in her work.

   We must be strict with us in our studies.

   4. compete: vi 竞争,比赛 competition: n

   We have to compete against/with other countries in trade.

   Every athlete made their greatest efforts to compete for the gold medal.

   Will you compete in the next Olympic Games?

   5. disrupt: vt 分裂(国家,帝国,交通及其他无形之物)

   disruption n

   Their attempt to disrupt the country failed at last.

   6. interest n.兴趣,爱好 u/c vt.

   The foreigners showed/had/found/took great interest in our products.

   The boy has expressed an interest in writing since he went to school.

   The pretty girl has two interests: singing and dancing.

   Are you interested in the interesting stories?

   He is so lazy that nothing can interest him.

   7. astonishing adj. 令人大为吃惊的 astonished adj. 感到大为吃惊的 astonish vt 使、、、大为吃惊

   The astonishing news astonished me/ made me astonished.

   8. come to an end 结束 put an end to...

   The meeting will come to an end soon.

   Let's put an end to the meeting soon.

   9. leave...behind 将、、、忘在脑后

   When the students get home, they will leave their homework behind.

   Leave 离开 vt/vi 忘记某物 vt

   I didn't leave (school ) until 10 o'clock last night.

   It is a pity that I left my bag on the bus.

   Leave 使、、、处于某种状态

   Leave the door open.

   Don't leave her waiting outside in the rain.

   It is strange that he should leave the work undone.

   It is a waste of energy to leave the lights on with no one in the room.

   Leave my books where they are, or I will have trouble in finding them.

   III. Sentence patterns:

   1. In a recent interview, Venus spoke about the time when she and Serena were practicing on a local tennis court and they had to run and hide as bullets started flying through the air. 在最近的一次采访中,Venus谈到了她和Serena 在当地的网球场训练,当子弹开始在空中穿梭时,她们不得不跑着躲藏的那段日子。

   该句中,when 引导了后面的定语从句。先行词time在定语从句中作时间状语,故用关系词when引导,而且可以省略。又如本文中另一句:

   The first time Venus played in a big tournament was in 1996.

   另外,该句中as 用作连词,它的用法小结如下:


   1) 由于,因为

   As you were there, I left a message.

   2) 随着

   As time went on, his theory proved to be correct.

   3) 虽然,用于倒装结构中

   Young as I am, I already know what career I want to follow.

   4) 当、、、的时候 (用as 往往更强调主句和从句的两个动作同时发生。)

   She sang as she walked in the street.


   5) 作为,充当

   be dressed as a policeman, work as a teacher, serve as a waiter

   6) 用作副词

   This dress is twice as expensive as that.

   2. Since then, she has won the Wimbledon and the US Open twice.


   注意since then和from then on出现时,句子谓语时态的区别:since then出现时,用现在完成时;而from then on出现时,则要用一般过去时

   e.g. From then on he refused to talk about it.

   Great changes have taken place in our hometown since the policy was carried out.

   VI. Grammar

   Present Perfect : 1.The time of the action in the past is not given or known.

   e.g. I have met him before.

   2. A past action has results in the present.

   e.g. Have you read the novel? Can you tell me something about it?

   Past Simple: 1. Something happened at a specific time in the past.

   e.g. We went shopping yesterday morning.

   2.The past action is not linked with the present.

   e.g. The war broke out in 1938


  • athlete [´æθlit, ´æθli:t] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.体育家;运动员 四级词汇
  • policy [´pɔlisi] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.政策;权谋;保险单 四级词汇

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