
   Unit 1 Friendship Period 3 Using Language 处理方案


   Teaching aims:

   1. Learn the words and useful expressions learnt in this period

   2.Talk about friends and friendship

   3.Practise giving advice and making decisions

   Teaching important points:

   1 Train the students' listening and speaking ability

   2.Talk about friends and friendship

   3.Practise giving advice and making decisions

   Teaching procedures:

   Step I Lead-in(Use questions to represent the reading material.)

   T: Everyone knows understanding is very imoprtant in our daily life but misunderatandings happen between people now and then. Now think it over: What would you do if you are misunderstood by others?

   Then ask students to read the letter on P6 and discuss the following questions:

   1. What was upsetting Lisa?

   2. What do you think of friendship between boys and girls ? Do you believe there exists true friendship between boys and girls?

   3. What kind of advice will you give to Lisa?

   Here teacher can instruct students to deal with friendship between boys and girls in a correct way, making them believe that there exists true friendship between boys and girls. This discussion can make students well prepared for the listening task. (这个环节的设计可为学生接下来的听力活动做铺垫,并且也可将教学与德育结合起来,指导学生正确看待男女同学间的友谊。)

   Step II Listening

   T: Ok, just now each group has provided some advice and help to Lisa. Now let's listen to what Miss Wang says, comparing yours with hers.

   (listening and answering is what students like our school's afraid of, therefore teacher can make the listening task easier by giving more help.

   The first time listening: students just listen, trying to get the main idea without using their pens.

   The second time listening: listen and answer. In this step, teacher should make great efforts to encourage students to take an active role in teaching, for example competition, to make the answers more and more complete based on different students' ideas.

   The third time listening: listen and fill in the blank, teacher should stop for a moment when the relevant sentence is read.

   Step III: Speaking

   Read the instruction. Explain some key words and phrases in the instruction to make sure everyone have made clear what they're going to do.

   Read the four steps in this part and let Ss do that in groups of four.

   Have some groups give their own questionnaire in the form of performance.

   Step IV Reading and writing

   在此可将说与写结合,老师通过简单的问答(Are you good at communicating with people? What do you think of communicating with people, easy or difficult? Are you afraid of communicating with others?)当堂找出一名不是很擅长于与人交流与沟通的同学,然后请其余同学开展大脑风暴活动尽可能多地给这位同学建议,可以并将自己好的建议说出来与所有的同学分享。听说活动进行完之后可让同学们将刚才所有可行的好的建议用书面的形式写下来,可以作为作业。这样设计教学活动是为力使学生的听、说、写活动更加切合生活的实际,让他们在真实的情景下学习、使用语言。

   Step V: Homework

   Continue to finish exercises in Unit 1, workbook.


文章标签:英语教案  高一