
  九年级英语9A Unit 1reading 学案

   课题reading ( 3 ) 课时 4 撰写人:谢淑静


   学习重点.难点::Reading 的重点语言点和词汇.



   1.公平的;公正的 2.文雅的;高雅的 3.辩论,争论 4.和平;安宁 5.傻的,愚蠢的 6.原谅,宽恕 7.过失,过错 8幽默的


   1.一位公正的人 2.与某人争论 3.保密

   4.精力充沛 5.原谅某人的过错


   1. You are elegant and love beautiful things.


   单词"elegant"意思是"文雅的"for example :The girl is tall and elegant.

   2. You love peace and do not like to argue with others.


   单词"argue"的意思争吵,argue名词形式是argument。"argue with sb (about/over sth)"的意思是"(为某事)与某人争论"for example:

   They argued with each other over the money.他们为钱的事相互争吵。

   3.You are a powerful person and have lots of energy.你是个健壮的人精力充沛。

   4.You like to keep secrets. 你喜欢保守秘密。

   "keep secrets"的意思是"保守秘密","keep"单词常见用法:

   (1)keep .+宾语+形容词表示"保持某种状态"

   I hope to keep healthy.


   The child kept asking me questions.

   5.However,sometimes it is silly of you not to forgive others for their faults.


   连词"however"的意思是 "然而,可是,不过"可以用在句首,句中,句末,常用逗号与句子分开。例如;

   It was raining hard at that time。However,we had to leave as soon as possible。

   6.You love travelling to different places."

   "Travel to a place":到某地旅行



   1. 我今天不打算和你辩论这件事

   I am not going to argue you the matter today.

   2. 我认为如果下雨他就不会来。

   I think that he will if it rains.


   Later, ,he decided to go.


   It is wise him it like this.

   5 我喜欢我表姐,因为她能为我保密。

   I like my cousin because she can for me.


   1.--what do you think of tomorrow's football match.

   -- difficult for us the match.

   A. we are;to win B we are ;winning C it is ;to win D it is ;winning

   2.It is nice you to give me the chance.

   A Of B for C to D at

   3."You must keep in the hospital,"the woman said to me .

   A quietly; quiet B quietly;quietly C quiet;quietly D quiet;quiet

   4.If you star sign is Libra, you should be .

   A elegant B strange C gentle D successful

   5.My uncle likes traveling different places.

   A in B to C for D on

   6.It is you to keep all the food for yourself.

   A generous for B silly of C patient D imaginative

   (三) 词汇

   1.My sister likes (宁静) and she doesn't like noise.

   2.It is (愚蠢的) of you to play computer games all day.

   3.Mike doesn't like to (争论) with other students.

   4.My teacher is (humour) and all the students like him.

   5.My father is (energy) and he often stays up late at night.

   6.It is kind of you (carry) the box on the desk for me.



文章标签:英语教案  九年级  九年级英语  初三