
Last Weekend 教案设计


   小学高段英语教学应以培养和提高学生听说写能力为主,本课时主要是要求学生学会用过去式进行交流,而watched TV washed clothes cleaned the room played football and visited grandparents这几个词组学生是已经学过,所以在这一课中重点是让学生知道过去式的发音和其形式,以及培养学生的口头表达。小学生的有意注意持续时间比较短,因此在课堂中设计了多个活动,让学生在快乐中学习。

   Teaching aims : 1.能听说读写短语:watched TV washed clothes cleaned the 一room played football and visited grandparents

   2.能够听懂问句: What did you do last weekend ? 并能做出正确的回答。

   3.能够运用新学内容完成Make a survey的任务。


   Important points : 1.能听说读写短语:watched TV washed clothes cleaned the room played football and visited grandparents .

   2. 听懂会说句子: What did you do last weekend ? 并能在实际情景中灵活运用。

   Difficult points: 5个词组读音和书写,掌握动词过去式和发音。

   Prepare for the class :录音机词卡 调查表

   Teaching steps:

   Step 1 Warm-up

   1.Let's sing .

   2.Daily talk

   What day is it today ? What day is it tomorrow ? (It's Saturday .) What about the day after Tomorrow ? ( It's Sunday . )

   Saturday and Sunday we call them weekend .

   What do you do on the weekend ?

   S1: I usually read books.

   S2: I usually go shopping and .......

   S3: I usually have classes and .......

   3. Pairwork

   Work in pairs , ask and answer in pairs . What do you do on the weekend ?

   What about you ?

   Ask some pairs to make the dialogue .

   4. Let's chant

   Every weekend I climb mountains , what do you do ?

   Every weekend I clean the room , what do you do ?

   Every weekend I read books , what do you do ?

   Every weekend I go shopping , what do you do ?


   Step 2 Presentation

   1. 出示当天的日历,问学生 What is the date today ? What day is it today ?

   2. 圈出上个星期六,日, 问学生 What was the date today ? What day was it today ? 引导学生回答 last weekend .

   3. 教师做出洗衣服的动作,Can you guess what did I do last weekend ?

   引出 washed clothes ,板书并带读。开火车轮读。

   4.教师做出擦桌子,拖地,擦窗户动作,What did I do again last weekend?

   引出 cleaned the room ,板书并带读。指名读,并拼写。用cleaned the room 说一个句子。

   5.请一名学生表演看电视的情景,问全班学生 What did I do last weekend ?

   ,板书并带读 watched TV

   6. Activity 1. 看看谁的记忆最好。

   活动目的: 提高学生的语言表达能力,帮助学生巩固单词。


   活动时间: 2分钟


   7.出示图片,ask What did he do last weekend ? 引出 played the football


   8.出示图片,ask What did they do last weekend ? 引出 visited grandparents

   板书并带读, 强调这些过去式的发音。 [ t ] [d ] [ t ] [ d ] [ id ]

   9. 改编 Let's chant .

   Last weekend I watched TV. What did you do ?


   Step 3 Practice

   1.Activity 2 : 木头人游戏

   活动目的: 提高学生对单词的认读听能力,巩固所学单词。


   活动时间: 5分钟动作

   活动过程:教师说出某个词组,学生做出相应的动作,教师说stop ,学生动作停留不许动,并回答老师的提问,What did you do last weekend ?

   2.Activity 3 : 顺风耳游戏

   活动目的: 提高学生的语言表达能力。


   活动时间: 3分钟


   3.Activity 34: 摘苹果游戏

   活动目的: 提高学生的语言辩音能力。


   活动时间: 2分钟

   活动过程:板画一棵大苹果树,每个苹果上都有一个过去单词,在树下放三个筐,每个筐上标上[ t ] [ d ] [ id ],让学生按正确发音把苹果放入筐里。

   Step 4. Assessment

   1.听录音,跟读Let's learn 部分。

   2.Do a survey.


   Step 5. Add- activities

   1. 写一篇介绍自己家人上周末活动的小短文。

   2. 朗读Let's learn 部分。

   Blackboard design (板书设计)

   Unit 3 Last Weekend

   What do you do last weekend ?

   washed clothes

   cleaned room

   I watched TV .

   played football

   visited grandparents



文章标签:英语教案  六年级  六年级英语