
Bush Heads Home to Contentious Congress(1/2)

President Bush says Monday's debate over a vote of no confidence in Attorney General Alberto Gonzales will have no bearing on whether the long-time legal adviser stays in office.

"I guess it reflects the political atmosphere of Washington, they can try to have their votes of no confidence, but it is not going to make the determination of who serves in my government."

The president told reporters in Bulgaria that he will decide whether Gonzales is effective or not, not legislators who he says are using a meaningless resolution to play politics.

"This process has been drug-out a long time, which says to me it is political, there is no wrong doing."

Opposition Democrats are calling for the Attorney General's ouster over what they say is the politically-motivated firing of eight federal prosecutors. The Justice Department says those dismissals were based on poor performance.

During this trip to Europe, President Bush also suffered a set-back to his top legislativepriority of the year: comprehensiveimmigration reform.

A bipartisan bill fell short of the votes it needed in the Senate because some members of the president's own party object to its provisions giving illegal immigrants a path to citizenship.

