
Britain Marks 10 Years of Princess Diana's Death (2/3)

Samantha Rennie is a spokesperson for the fund. She said Diana used this celebrity" class="hjdict" word="celebrity" target=_blank>celebritystatus to draw attention to unpopular causes.

"She supported many causes that were in her life time unpopular you might remember pictures of her shaking hands with someone who had HIV/AIDS at a time when this was thought horrific and yet now 10 years on it seems quiet normal, "Similarly she was photographed walking through minefields at a time that this was considered hugely controversial and yet now landmines have been stigmatized so in the intervening years of course peoples' attitudes change, but in many ways they change for the better."

Simon Conway is the director of Landmine Action, which has received support from the Diana fund. He said Diana's work with landmines continues to help the cause.

"I think we have seen significant progress in the last 10 years, We now have a 153 nations, three quarters of the world, have signed up to the Ottawa Treaty banning landmines, but perhaps more important in purely practical terms, the weapon has been completely stigmatized."

