
deposit account 存款帐户

deposit at bank 银行存款

deposit certificate 银行存款单

depressed market 市面清淡

deputy manager 副经理

description of goods 货物摘要

design of products 产品设计

design paper 图案纸

despatch money 快递费

detained goods 扣留货物

developed countries 发达国家

development bank 开发银行

development cost 开发成本

development expenses 发展费用

direct mail advertising 直接邮寄广告

direct price 直接价格

direct quotation 直接报价

direct sales 直接出售

direct trade 直接贸易

director board 董事会

directory of importers and exporters 贸易商名录

dirty bill of lading 有债务提单

discharging expenses 卸货费用

discount a bill 扣减期

discount rate 贴现率

dishonor check 不兑现支票

dishonored bill 退票

district bank 区域银行

divisible L/C 可分割信用证

division of labour 分工

division of work 分工

document against acceptance 承兑交单

document against payment 付款交单

document of shipping 装货单据

documentary acceptance bill 承兑汇票

documentary bill(draft) 押汇,跟单汇票

documentary credit 押汇信用证

dollar countries 美元国家

dollar loan 美金借款

dollar shortage 美金缺乏

domestic bill 国内汇票

domestic communication 国内交通

domestic economy 国内经济

domestic letter of credit 国内信用证

domestic market 国内市场

domestic products 国货

domestic telegrams 国内电报

do not drop 不可拋落

do not turn over 不可倒置

Dow Jones average 道琼指数

down payment 分期付款之订金

draft for remittance 汇票

draft on demand 即期汇票

draft or note payable to bearer 凭票即付

draw a bill 出票

draw up a contract 拟合同

dual-use packaging 双重用途的包装

due date 到期日

dull market 市面冷淡

dull sale 滞销

duplicate 副本,复本

duplicate copy 副本

duplicate invoice 副联

duplicate of draft 汇票复本

duplicate sample 复样

dutiable goods 应完税货品

duty free 免税

duty free goods 免税商品

duty paid 关税已付

duty paid terms 通过海关后交货条件

duty unpaid 关税未付

earning power 回收获利率

economic growth 经济成长

economic policy 经济政策

economic take-off 经济起飞

eight-hour system of labour 八小时工作制

elastic demand 弹性需求

electric appliances shop 电器行

electric power cost 电力成本

electronic computer 计算机,计算器

electronic transfer 电汇

embargo on the export of gold 禁止黄金出口

empty forms 空白表

endorsed in blank 空白背书

endorsement in blank 无记名签批

endorsement to order 指派式背书

enter into an agreement 订约

enter into(make) an entrance fee会费,入场费

equlibrium;balancing 平衡

equilibrium price 平衡价格

establish a business 创业

文章标签:商务英语  大全