1. The Cleveland Cavaliers and San Antonio Spurs were trading one-point leads in the third quarter before Steve Smith took over.
克里夫兰骑士队与圣安东尼马刺队在比赛第三节交替以一分领先对手,一直到 Steve Smith掌握了大局。
trading one-point leads:trade本意是「以物易物」的意思。如果甲队队领先乙队一分,乙队投进一球倒领先一分;接下来甲队也投进一球再度领先一分。如此,双方你来我往,交替以一分领先对手,像是互相买卖,用上 trade 这个字,可说是十分贴切。
took over:take over有「接管」、「接办」、「接替」、「继任」及其它的意思,此处是比喻Steve Smith的连续得分终止了拉锯战,彷佛「接管」、主宰了比赛。
2. Gill, meanwhile, fractured the small finger on his left hand.
fractured:骨折。fracture可以当做「名词」也可以「动词」用。a fractured finger 中的 fractured是 fracture当「动词」时的过去分词形式,是「
形容词」的作用,也可以说 a broken finger.
small finger:小指,也可以说 little finger.无名指:ring finger,中指:middle finger,食指:index finger,拇指:thumb,脚大拇指:big toe,脚小拇指:little toe,其它的脚拇指没有特别名称,依次序称为 second toe、third toe 和 fourth toe.
3. Jones scored five of his points in overtime to help the Heat snap a two-game losing
winningstreak 连胜,连败。
4. Tariq Abdul-Wahad, the Denver Nuggets' best
defensive player, will have an MRI exam Friday and undergo arthroscopic
surgery Saturday on his left knee.
丹佛金块对的最佳防守球员Tariq Abdul-Wahad将于星期五接受「核磁共振造影术」检查,并于星期六进行左膝的「骨关节镜手术」。
MRI exam:过去常用来帮助诊断病情的「计算机断层扫描术」是 computer tomography(简称CT)。后来发展出3D扫描的 MRI「核磁共振造影术」,全名是
magnetic consonance imaging.另外还有一种 PET「正子放射断层扫描术」,全名是 positron emission tomography.
arthroscopic: arthro-或arthri-是表示「关节」的前缀,例如 arthropod是「身体有很多「节」的「节足动物」(-pod是「足」、「脚」的意思),arthritis是「关节炎」(-itis是「发炎」的意思)。-scope表「观察...的器具,...镜,...检查器」的字尾,例如,telescope望远镜,gastroscope胃内视镜, stethoscope (医生的)听诊器。-scopic是-scope的
5. Marshall went to the line with 15.6 seconds remaining in overtime, with Kittles jawing at him as he stepped up.
延长赛终了前15.6秒,(爵士队)Marshall获得罚球机会;(篮网队) Kittles在Marshall站上罚球线时在一旁碎碎念。
the line:即the "free throw line" 罚球线。
stepped up:挺身而出,站出来。
6. "Winning is the cure all," guard Greg Anthony said after the Bulls routed Houston 103-75 Tuesday night, sending the tired and depleted Rockets to their seventh straight loss.
星期二晚公牛队以103比75痛宰休斯敦(火箭队) ,使筋疲力竭的火箭队吞下七连败。后卫 Greg Anthony说,「赢球才是万灵丹。」
cure all:能治百病者,即是「万灵丹」,它的同义字是 panacea.
sending...to their seventh straight loss:此处的send (someone) to...是「逼使」(某人)落到...的地步。
depleted:使...「耗尽、枯竭」;累「呆」了,也可说dead tired(此处 dead为「副词」,是「极为...」的意思)。
7. Martin and Rogers received double
technical fouls on the play that led to Rogers' flagrant foul. Martin took exception to the foul and practically wrestled Rogers down to the ground after being fouled.
Rogers 的恶性犯规造成他和 Martin被裁判吹「双方技术犯规」。Martin被恶性犯规后,心有不甘,几乎将 Rogers 用摔角的方式摆平在地上。
flagrant foul:「恶性犯规」。NBA规则中把「恶性犯规」分成两级:轻者判一次技术犯规,重者判两次技术犯规,并驱逐出场(to be ejected)。
took exception to...:1. (对...) 反对,(对...)表示异议;2. (对...)有反感,(对...感到)生气。
wrestled:用摔角的方式扭打。日式摔角(相扑)是 sumo wrestling,简称 sumo.
8. We've got to get him
saying, 'In your face,' and 'Your mama,' and that stuff," said McHale.
In your face:意思是说,我就是要「在你面前」得分灌篮、盖火锅,你能奈我何?挑衅意味很强的一句话。
Your mama:暗指对方是「妈妈的乖宝宝」,妈妈吩咐什么就做什么,是个软脚虾,等于在说对方是个 wimp或 nerd.
stuff:...之类,叫不出名堂的东西;有人用blah, blah, blah...类似中文的「等等等...」。
9. We're working on that, it's coming slowly. I'm waiting for him to get a
technical by
hanging on the rim, then swinging, then slapping the backboard. "It's still 101, we're going to work on the advanced courses later.
technical foul 的简称。
10. Los Angeles Clippers star Lamar Odom was reinstated by the NBA on Wednesday after being suspended for violating terms of the league's anti-drug
policy. The 22-year-old forward will be eligible to play Thursday night against the New Jersey Nets at Staples Center.
因未遵守反毒规定而被 NBA 联盟禁止出赛的洛杉矶快艇队明星球员 Lamar Odom在星期三解除禁赛的处分。这位22岁的前锋将于星期四晚间返回 Staples Center 球场出战纽泽西篮网队。