
1.No offense(meant)!没有冒犯你的意思!不要见怪!

2.It's all over with it.一切都过去了.

3.Hong it all!见鬼!

4.You have come to the right person.你算找对人了.

5.The spirit is willing,but the flesh is weak.心有余而力不足.

6.There are men and men.世界上各种各样的人都有.

7.This is not all in all.这不是最重要的.

8.Never do anything be helves.做事不要半途而废.

9.Women is frail.女人是脆弱的.

10.First come,first servet.先到者优先.

11.I can't keep her company all the time. 我不能一直陪着她.

12.He doesn't care about me at all.他根本不在乎我.

13.I'll find a new one for you .我在帮你找一个.

14.We can't live without water.我们离不开水.

15.I'm broke.我身无分文.

16.You wish.你臭美.

17.This is a private.这是私人谈话.

18.I have you at least.我至少还有你.

19.Break the record.打破世界记录.

20.Don't look out.不要向外看.

21.No cheating!不要作弊!

22.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一平果,疾病不找我.

23.You are the apple of my eye.你是我的掌上明珠.

24.More and more people bring flowers nowdays.现在愈来愈多的人带鲜花.

25.You are totally all wet.你全搞错了.

26.It doesn't work for me.这对我来说行不通.

27.What a jerk!真是一堆垃圾!

28.Thank you all the same.还是要谢谢你.

29.It rains cats and dogs.倾盆大雨.

30.I'll be back soon.我很快回来.

31.It;s none of your business.关你鸟事.

32.Let's go Dutch.让我AA制吧.

33.The life is hard.生活艰难.

34.At your servant.随时为你服务.

35.Who cares!谁在乎啊!

36.I can hardly understand it.我无法理解它.

37.I only hope to earn money.我只想赚钱.

38.It's hard to tell.这很难说.

39.How clever!多聪明!

40.Bad news runs faster.坏消息传得快.

41.I'm awfully sorry about that.(I apologize.)我万分抱歉.

42.It wasn't my mind to do so.我不是有意的.

43.It's nothing.(Never mind.)没什么.

44.I'm blue today.我很忧郁.

45.I don't want to change my live because of you.我不想因为你而改变我的生活.

46.I said goodbye to my girlfriend/boyfriend.我跟我女/男朋友分手了.

47.You have been in love with each other for a long time.你们彼此相爱了很久了啊.

48.You love each other deeply all the time你们一直相爱着对方.

49.I can't always keep her company.我不能总是陪着她.

50.Please forgive me,I didn't mean to lose it.请原谅我,我不是故意的.
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