
It is great to see so many people here trying to improve themselves. From the questions posted by some to the answers submitted by others, I saw the healthy exchange of ideas, experience and lessons. The participants of the discussions gain valuable experience by asking questions and/or providing answers. Some answers may not be perfect, or even incorrect, but the attempts themselves are to be appreciated and encouraged. The attempts to answer questions help oneself while helping others. They certainly add more fun to learning. It is such an atmosphere that makes this forum a success.

There is always something else to mention following the laudable part. With less frequent occurrence, some postings ask for help with writing a whole article or, worse yet, ask for writing a thesis for the fulfillment of an advanced degree. With the belief of freedom of speech, I do not feel that these postings should be removed. I read them but feel disgusted. Such postings remind us that there are people who are damaging the reputation of the recipients of advanced degrees.

Dishonesty is the number one enemy in the educational system. The importance of honesty in academic affairs is obvious. When you buy a product, you want it to be genuine; when you receive cash from someone, you want it to be real; when you want to hire someone, you want the person to hold the degrees and certificates as he declared in his resume. Making false credentials is no different from stealing or robbery. It damages the mutual trust between people; it causes the monetary loss to companies and the alike. With China entering the WTO, Chinese products are competing against all others in the international market. Without quality people, there is no quality product; without quality products, there is no competition, thus no future for a nation. Specifically, how can a nation beat Japan without quality people? Slogans are of little use; actions speak louder. We need to set reasonable personal goals and work hard towards the goals.

I hope people who attempt to hire others for completing their own homework wake up now. The future of a nation depends on every one of us. If the nation fails, everyone is responsible. Let's work hard to promote learning, for yourself and for the nation.
  • trying [´traiiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.难堪的;费劲的 四级词汇
  • incorrect [,inkə´rekt] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.不正确的,错误的 六级词汇
  • reputation [repju´teiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.名誉;名声;信誉 四级词汇
  • academic [,ækə´demik] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.学术的 n.大学学生 四级词汇
  • robbery [´rɔbəri] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.抢劫(案);盗取 四级词汇
  • monetary [´mʌnitəri] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.金融的;货币的 六级词汇