
We human beings are emotional creatures, so it's natural for us to have happy, unhappy and all sorts of moods.

I always feel blue, because I have achieved little but lost many things since I started my career life. I gave up my outdoor activities because of heavy works, so I am fat (75kg); I gave up my innocence because of the complication of this society, so I am sophisticated; I gave up my noble thoughts and feelings because of the fast changing of China, so I don't even know what I should believe in...

My moods always strike me. I am kind to people but some will do bad things against me; I smile at strangers in the corridors in my building, but they seldom smile back to me; I help press the buttons in the lifts for people, but few of them do the same thing. As a driver, I obey the traffic rules, but pedestrians do not. As a Chinese from China-a well-known polite country, I do not spit in the street, but some of our Chinese people make our country famous by spitting in the streets of other countries, and by many other bad and impolite behaviors.

When I'm in a bad mood, I do not want to talk to anybody. I just want to hide myself away from public and take a smoke. Taking some deep breaths could also be of help to me sometimes. I used to consult my bad mood problem from a psychologist, who told me it's no big deal, because people do have their bad times.

Once I suddenly realized that it'd been a long time that I never laughed hard. I grin, smile, but seldom laugh, except that when I am watching Steven Chou's movies (I am a loyal fan of his movies). I always laugh so hard when watching Steven Chou's movies and Zhao Benshan's funny talk shows, that my wife thinks I am insane sometimes. I know it's good for me to laugh, because I wanna live longer.

I'm optimistic, though I always have bad moods. I try to get rid of those bad things in my memory by all means. I failed sometimes, though. Tell me how do you kill your bad moods when they strike you.