
Placing Stamps on a Letter

A lady employed a maid-servant being very stupid. She asked her to send a letter, saying: "Go posting this letter, Betty, on which the stamp was already placed, I'm afraid the letter will be overweight. If it is, place the other penny stamp on it."Ten minutes later, Betty returned. The hostess asked her, "Did you post my letter?" "Yes , I did, Madam."answered Betty. "I hope you didn't place another stamp on the letter that it would not cover up the address." "Oh, no, madam, I didn't I placed the second stamp just on the first stamp."said Betty.


一位太太雇了一个愚蠢的女仆.一次她对女仆说:"贝蒂,把这封信寄掉,信封上已经贴了邮票,但我怕信超重.如果真超重,你把另一张一便士的邮票贴上去." 十分钟后,贝蒂回来了.女主人问她:"你把我的信寄了吗?"贝蒂回答说:"寄了,太太.""我希望你没有在贴另一张邮票时 盖住了信封上的地址.""喔!不,太太,我把第二枚邮票贴在第一枚的上面了."贝蒂说.
