
I just took off my clothes to prepare for a good fight

One day, two house sparrows sat on a tree and chatted.

The bigger sparrow said to the smaller sparrow:"I am so capable! Dive steeply, fly in circle, any difficult moves, you just name it!" Unconvinced and wanting to embarrass the boaster, the smaller sparrow suggested to the bigger sparrow when seeing a butcher slicing meat under the tree:"So you are capable. Why don't you then steal a piece of meat from the butcher down there?" With a smile the bigger sparrow replied:"A small case!" then dived from the tree to pick a meat piece from the butcher's table, but was caught immediately. The butcher was so angry that he pulled off feather one by one from the bigger sparrow making it to cry aloud: Help! Help!

The smaller sparrow could stand no more and flied to bite the butcher on the hand. In pain, the butcher released the bigger sparrow. When returned onto the tree, the smaller sparrow mocked:"You have nothing to brag about now. You would be dead had I not come to rescue you." "No." replied the halfly stripped:"I just took off my clothes to prepare for a good fight."



  大麻雀对小麻雀说:"我可厉害了,什么动作我都可以做得出来。像俯冲啊,盘旋呀,什么高难度的动作我不会呀?"小麻雀很是不服气,可一时又找不出什么好的法子要难为它。恰好树下有一个屠夫正在切肉。于是,小麻雀就对大麻雀说:"你不是厉害吗?那你有本事飞下去从屠夫手中弄块肉上来吗?"大麻雀笑笑说:"小KS!"于是一个俯冲,飞到桌上叼了一块肉就要飞上树,可一下子被屠夫抓了个正着!屠夫非常生气,便一根一根地拔大麻雀的毛。大麻雀只呼:HELP! HELP!

