

The queen took her keys, and going to her room, opened the chest, and, lo! the ruby was gone, and in its place was a handsome stripling! She shut down the box again in a great hurry, and thought and thought what she had better do to break the news to the king.

Now as she thought, the king became impatient, and sent a servant to ask what the delay was. Then the queen bade the servant carry the box to the audience chamber, and going thither with her keys, she unlocked the chest before the king.

Out stepped the handsome stripling, to everybody's astonishment.

"Who are you?" asked the king, "and where is my jewel?"

"I am Ruby Prince" returned the boy; "more than that you cannot know."

Then the king was angry, and drove him from the palace, but, being a just man, he first gave the boy a horse and arms, so that he might fight his way in the world.

Now, as Prince Ruby journeyed on his steed, he came to the outskirts of the town, and saw an old woman making bread, and as she mixed the flour she laughed, and as she kneaded it she cried.

"Why do you laugh and cry, mother?" asked Prince Ruby.

"Because my son must die to-day." returned the woman." There is an ogre in this town, which every day eats a young man. It is my son's turn to provide the dinner, and that is why I weep."
关键字:The Ruby Prince,宝石王子
  • outskirts [´autskə:ts] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.外边;郊区 六级词汇
