

Once upon a time there was a very poor woodcutter who had three beautiful daughters. Of the three girls, the youngest was the most beautiful. One day the woodcutter went into the forest and was chopping down an oak tree when a very large and horrible bear wrenched the axe from his hands.

"Who gave you permission to cut the wood in my forest?" growled the bear. "You have been stealing my timber and now you must pay for it with your life."

"Please forgive me, Senor Oso," said the poor woodcutter, "I was only cutting the wood to sell it and thus support my three little daughters. If you kill me, my little girls will starve."

The Bear remained thoughtful and then said,

"There is only one way in which you life may be saved. You have to give me one of your daughters in marriage."

The woodcutter didn't know what to say or do. Finally the thought of dying and leaving his daughters destitute forced him to agree to the Bear's proposal.

The woodcutter returned home and told his daughters what had happened.

"Father," said the two eldest girls, "we would rather die than marry that Bear."

Ninfa, the youngest, said. "Father, I will marry the Bear."

Next day Ninfa and her father went into the forest where the Bear was waiting for them. After seeing the beautiful maiden, he was satisfied.

Ninfa, however, said to the Bear, "Senor Oso, my mother always taught me that in all things I should always follow God's law. If I must marry you, I want to be married according to the Catholic rites."

The Bear agreed, provided a priest could come to the forest. The woodcutter went in search of a priest and soon returned with one. Ninfa and the Bear were then married.

The Bear took Ninfa to his cave, and when it grew dark he chanted:

"Bear so hairy, Bear so alarming,

Change into a prince handsome and charming."

In an instant the Bear changed into a handsome prince. He then told Ninfa, "I am an enchanted prince, cursed by a witch into being a bear by day and a man by night. You do anything you want around here on one condition, that you never reveal that I am an enchanted prince."

Ninfa, happily promised that she would never reveal the secret.

The next morning they arose from bed, and the prince said:

"Prince so handsome, prince so charming,

Change into a Bear, hairy and alarming."

In an instant the prince had changed back into a bear.

Days followed days and Ninfa felt a desire to go and visit her family in the village. However, she didn't know how to ask the prince for permission. Finally she mustered enough courage and said to him.

"Aside from you, husband, I don't have anyone with whom to talk. I wish you would let me go to the village to see my father and sister. It isn't far, and if I leave early enough I will be back before it gets dark."

The prince did not want to let Ninfa go, but the girl insisted so much that he finally consented. However, he make her repeat her oath never to reveal the prince's secret.

Next day Ninfa got up early. She dressed herself richly and went to see her father and sisters, who welcomed her joyously. However, the devil, who never sleeps, soon filled the sisters with envy. They began to poke fun at Ninfa, jealous of the fact that she was wearing rich jewels and costly garments.
关键字:The Bear Prince,熊王子
  • destitute [´destitju:t] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.贫穷的;缺乏...的 六级词汇
  • richly [´ritʃli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.富裕地;浓厚地 四级词汇
  • joyously [´dʒɔiəsli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.快乐地,高兴地 六级词汇
