

"You married a bear, what shame!" the sisters repeatedly told her.

So many times did the sisters repeat this, that finally Ninfa lost her temper and revealed her husband's secret. The sisters were deeply amazed to hear Ninfa's tale. The eldest one then said:

"Look, Ninfa, why don't you disenchant the prince? What you have to do is easy. Get him drunk tonight. When he goes to sleep, tie him up and gag him. As soon as day breaks and the prince wakes up, he will not be able to say the magic words and the enchantment will be broken. Then you will have a husband with a human form forever."

Ninfa returned to the bear's cave and that night did everything her sister had suggested. The prince awoke the next morning, and imagine his surprise at finding himself tied and gagged!

He could not say the magic rhyme and the enchantment was broken.

"Wife," the prince later said to Ninfa, "you have broken you promise; now you must bear the consequences. To break the enchantment and live happily ever after, we two had to live happily married a year and a day. Since you have disobeyed me, you are going to have to look for me. You will not find me until you locate the Castle of Faith."

Saying this, the prince vanished and Ninfa was left alone. She cried and was sorry, for she truly loved the prince. Then, determined to be reunited with her husband, Ninfa decided to go and look for the Castle of Faith. Tying a few belongings together, she slung them on her back and left on her search.

She walked and walked and finally arrived at a forest where a wizard lived.

"Nina," said the wizard, "what do you want here in this forest?"

"I am looking for the Castle of Faith," answered Ninfa, "do you happen to know where it is?"

"I don't know where that castle is located." said the wizard, "but follow this road until you reach my father's house. He may know where the castle is. Take this nut and if you ever find yourself in trouble break it."

Ninfa thanked the old man, and left, finally reaching the house where the wizard's father lived. She asked him if he knew where the Castle of Father was. The old man didn't know but said:

"Look, walk along this road until you come to the house of my eldest brother. He has traveled much, perhaps he can tell you where the castle is. I am going to give you another nut just as my son did. If you find yourself in trouble, break it and it will help you.

Ninfa walked and walked and finally came to the house of the third wizard. He also didn't know here the castle was. However, he told her what to do:

"The Moon probably knows. Follow this road and soon you will come to her house. But be careful, the Moon may be angry. I am also going to give you a nut. If you find yourself in trouble, break it."

Ninfa left. The poor girl was very, very tired, but at last that night she arrived at the moon's house. She knocked on the door and a little old lady, who was the moon's housekeeper, came out.

"Merciful God! Daughter, what are you doing here?" asked the old lady. "Don't you know that if the Moon finds you here she will eat you?"

Ninfa tearfully told the old woman all that had happened.
关键字:The Bear Prince,熊王子
  • repeatedly [ri´pi:tidli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.反复地;再三地 四级词汇
  • enchantment [in´tʃɑ:ntmənt] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.迷惑;妖术;魅力 四级词汇
  • belongings [bi´lɔŋiŋz] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.所有物;行李 四级词汇
  • wizard [´wizəd] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.术士;男巫 四级词汇
  • traveled [´trævəld] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.见面广的;旅客多的 四级词汇
