

"Look," said the old one, "you hide behind the stove. When the moon comes, I will carelessly ask her if she know where the castle is."

At dawn the moon came in, angry because she had stuck in her finger a thorn from a prickly pear.*

The moon came into the kitchen and said, "Human flesh I smell here. Give it to me or on you I will feast."

"Go on," said the old woman, "you're crazy. Just because there is a roast in the oven, you think it's human flesh. Sit down and eat so that you can go to bed. You are very tired.

The moon sat down to eat and the old lady began to talk. "The other day an owl went by, and I got to taking with her. She told me she had heard talk about the Castle of Faith. You, who know so many things, surely know where this castle is."

"To tell you the truth," said the Moon, "I don't know." The one who probably knows is the Sun."

The moon went to bed and the little old lady whispered to Ninfa, "Quickly, leave before the Moon wakes up. Go along this road and soon you will arrive at the house of the Sun."

Ninfa left and she walked and walked, until finally she came to the Sun's house. She knocked on the door and another little old lady answered.

"Valgame Dios, nina!" she exclaimed, "What are you doing here?" Don't you know that if the Sun finds you here he will burn you?"

Ninfa began to cry, and between sobs told her story to the little old lady. They were both gloomilytaking when the house suddenly filled with light and the Sun came in. Poor Ninfa. She crossed herself and prepared to die. But the little old lady yelled.

"Wait, Sun! Wait! this poor child is looking for the Castle of Faith."

"Ah!" exclaimed the Sun, "so you are looking for the Castle of Faith."

Tearfully Ninfa told the Sun what had happened to her.

"I know where the castle is," said the Sun. "But it is very far from here. I could take you, but it is getting late and you know that I am not allowed to go out after dark. But look! Near here lives my good friend, El Aire, the Wind. He can take you. You walk along this path and when you get to El Aire's home, you tell him that it was I who sent you."
关键字:The Bear Prince,熊王子
