
"Did you hear that?" the old dog shouted.


They all ran to the front of their kennel doors to see if someone was coming to "pick them."


"Sorry," he said to the other dogs as his ears fell down from their perked position. "I could have sworn I heard voices saying,'Isn't he cute? It's Christmas, can't we take him home with us?'""对不起,"老狗对它们说,同时它的耳朵搭拉下去。"我真敢发誓我的确听到有人说,'瞧它有多可爱!圣诞节了,咱们把它带回家好不好?'"

"You must have been dreaming again old man," said the dog in the cage next to him. "Anyway, what's the big deal about getting picked up as a Christmas gift. We've all been through that routine and look where it got us.""你一定又是在做梦了,老家伙。"隔壁狗屋里的狗说。"再说,被人家当作圣诞礼物带走又有什么呢。我们都有过这样的经历,但看看我们现在是怎样的情形。"

"Just once, I'd like to feel the warmth of a hand stroking my head," said the old dog. "I'd like to be the one who kisses the tears off a sad face. I'd like to curl up next to a fire instead of this cold concrete. It hurts my bones.""就一次,我想感受一下一只温暖的手抚摸我头的感觉,"老狗说。"我想吻去一张悲伤的脸上流淌着的泪水。我想蜷缩在炉火旁,而不是这冰冷的水泥地上。这地弄得我骨头酸痛。"

He curled up and sighed as the others said, "The only place you're going to find that is in your dreams, old man."同伴对它说:"老家伙,你能找到那个感觉的惟一地方是在你的梦中。"听到这话,它蜷缩起身子,叹了口气。

Hank's wife had only been gone a year but the pain was as fresh as if time had stood still.


He was an old man now, alone and longed for the comfort that he knew no other person would ever be able to give to him again. What would his life become without her by his side?他现在是个老人了,孤单一人,渴望得到慰藉,而他清楚这慰藉是没有别的什么人能够再给予他的。没有妻子在身边,他的生活会变成什么样子?

Hank's cupboards were close to bare now and, although he didn't want to go out, he knew he should at least pick up the basics... He drove slowly down the side streets for freeway driving had become too challenging.汉克的食品橱里几乎什么都没有了,尽管他不想出去,但他知道他怎么也得去买些最基本的日用品......他驱车在边道上慢慢行进,在高速公路开车对他来说太冒险了。

Suddenly, the car started chugging and sputtering until finally the engine quit altogether. One of the basic needs he forgot was fuel for the car! So he coasted over next to the curb, spotting a building within walking distance. Hopefully, they'd let him use their phone.忽然,车子先是发出嘎嚓声,然后又是劈啪声,终于发动机彻底歇工了。他连汽车燃料这一必需品都给忘了!他不得不顺坡滑到路边,看到不远处有一幢建筑物,他能走过去。但愿他们能让他借用一下电话。

He walked into an office area and rang the bell for service but no one came. He spotted another door going outside, failing to notice the sign posted "Employees Only."他走进一个办公区域,按铃求助服务,但是没有人露面。他朝外走时发现另一扇门,但没有注意到门上挂着"员工专用"的牌子。

As Hank walked out, he was overwhelmed by yaps, barks and insane jumping from dogs all sizes and shapes. He then realized he had unintentionally gone to the dog shelter.正当汉克走出来时,他被大大小小、各种各样、乱蹦乱跳的狗发出的咆哮声和狂吠声所淹没。他这才意识到自己无意间走进了狗的收容所。

Slowly he walked down the concrete aisle looking for an attendant.他缓缓地沿着水泥路面走廊走着,想找一位工作人员。

Three kennels down on the right, the old dog calmly sat there. Why should the old dog get excited? No one would want him. But, he sensed a need and couldn't resist offering a kind look and a gentle wag of the tail.就在右手边的第三个狗屋,老狗静静地坐在那里。老狗何必要兴奋呢?没有人会要它的。但是,它感觉出一种需求,禁不住投去一个友好的目光,缓慢地摆摆尾巴。

As Hank neared the old dog's cage, he laced his fingers through the chain link to steady his gait and the first feeling of comfort he'd remembered in over a year came from a wet nose and lick across his arthritic fingers.在汉克走近老狗的窝时,他抓住狗屋的钢丝网,停下站稳,随即感受到了一年来的头一次抚慰,一只湿润的鼻子正在蹭他那患有关节炎的手指。

Just then a voice of authority sounded, and Hank jumped.


"I'm sorry sir, you aren't supposed to be in this area!" she said."先生,对不起,您不应该到这地方来!"她说。

Luckily Hank didn't know he had walked into the "final area" where unclaimed dogs were scheduled to be put down.幸好汉克不知道他已经走入"终点区"无人愿意领养的狗被集中在这里,等候生命终止。

There went the nudge and lick thing again. Hank looked down to the most pleading eyes he'd ever seen.汉克又感觉到像是轻推和亲舔的动作。他低头看到有生以来看到过的最为令人心碎的哀求目光。

Ignoring the attendant's order to leave, Hank asked if he could see the dog closer. Her demeanor changed completely and her sternness melted away. She had forced herself to be this way so she could do the part of her job she despised.汉克不理睬工作人员让他离开的命令,而是问她能否更近些看看这条狗。工作人员的态度完全变了,严厉的神情消失了。她不得不这样,只是为这份她瞧不起的工作尽些责。

She brought the old dog out and instantly the two souls-- once so lost -- found reason to hope.她把老狗带了出来,即刻两个灵魂曾是那般失落的两个灵魂找到了重新点燃起希望之火的理由。

Hank's cupboards were now filled, a warm fire crackled and the old dog smiled inside as he remembered "only in your dreams." Closing his eyes he felt Hank's hand stroking his head

whispering "sleep in heavenly peace." 汉克的食品橱现在填满了,壁里温暖的火焰噼里啪啦作响,想到同伴们说的"只能是在你的梦中"那句话,老狗从内心发出了微笑。闭上眼睛,它感受到汉克一边低声吟唱"在天堂般的宁静中睡吧",一边轻抚它的头。

It was Christmas after all. 毕竟是圣诞节呀。

□by Shelly Guidotti 忆玫 译 来源:copyright@2003英语沙龙版权所有


