
Drops of water smashed into pieces just like my broken heart on the dusty playground, splashing the dirt up. Turning my head to another direction, I looked into the far distance to hide my sadness.

Only ten minutes ago, I was fighting courageously with math in the classroom when a short message from Anne, my best friend, told me to go to the playground. "Why? She has been indifferent to me these days." Hurrying to the playground, I found her under the basketball stands. No sooner had I stand in front of her than she said coldly, "I've decided to break with you. I hate you!" Shocked to hear this, I know nothing about what was going on. Could anyone tell me what I had done? I should have sensed there was something wrong with our friendship, as she "forgot" to ask me to go dinner with her for a whole week. I looked straight into her eyes where the usual care and warmth were replaced by hatred and hurt, trying to show my innocence but in vain. She ran away without a look at me, as if hating to be with me for a single minute. Left alone in the hot July sun, I tried hard to hold back the tears that streamed down without my permission. Though a bit dizzy, for which I wondered if the sun was responsible, I struggled with all my strength to keep my balance and made my way back to the classroom.

Never had I experienced such iciness in July, although the sun was giving out all its heat. With a feeling of mistrust from my best friend, the iciness welled up straight from my heart. I made no efforts or even attempts to figure out the reason for her decision, though, for I knew too well that it was a matter of time for her to find out the true facts and before that my explanation was nothing but a feeble excuse.

It was a long time before Anne came to me penitently, telling me how she had been deceived by another girl. The girl had been a good friend of Anne's and could not stand it that Anne showed less care about her. She told Anne that she overheard me backbiting Anne in front of some friends and she even succeed in asking a friend to help her. Fortunately, Anne found out the truth at length and we regained trust in each other after a long talk.

Trust those who deserve it, and never believe in those who you should not trust. After the iciness in the hot sun, both Anne and I get to know how to protect our friendship as well as how to deal with social relationships.
  • trying [´traiiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.难堪的;费劲的 四级词汇
  • experienced [ik´spiəriənst] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.有经验的;熟练的 四级词汇
  • mistrust [mis´trʌst] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.&n.不信任;怀疑 六级词汇