
英国《金融时报》安德鲁•埃奇克利夫-约翰逊(Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson)伦敦报道

2008年3月19日 星期三


这种"自助餐"模式类似于诺基亚(Nokia)去年12月与环球音乐集团(Universal Music)达成的"与音乐同行"(Comes With Music)交易,有望为苦苦挣扎的音乐录制行业带来急需的强心针,并推动苹果电脑新一代硬件产品的市场需求。


Apple is in discussions with major music companies about a radical new business model that would give customers free access to its entire iTunes music library in exchange for paying a premium for its iPod and iPhone devices.

The "all you can eat" model, a replica of Nokia's "comes with music" deal with Universal Music last December, could provide the struggling recorded music industry with a much-needed fillip, and drive demand for a new generation of Apple's hardware.

Apple would not comment on the plan, but executives familiar with the negotiations said they hinged on a dispute over the price the computer maker would be willing to pay for access to the labels' libraries.