2008年06月03日 14:37
能挣会花叫懂得享受生活;大手大脚,花钱如流水,则叫不会过日子。瞧,"My sister never has any money, even though she's got a good job. She usually blows about 100 quid every Saturday on going out." 说话者的妹妹即便有个好工作,但她每周都花100英镑出去玩,所以根本存不了钱! 如果你身边的人 blows money on going out,你是不是也会头痛?
To blow some money是什么意思?Blow 平时的意思是吹,比如吹风,吹气。但是在这里它又有另外一个意思就是花很多很多钱。If you blow money you spend a lot of it. There's also a sense of being
wasteful. 如果一个人 blow money 吹钱,其实也就是说他花钱太浪费。
A: My credit card bill is huge this month.
B: Why's that?
A: Well I blew 120 pounds on that new dress. It's lovely, but I don't even know when I can wear it!
Someone who is very
extravagant might blow money. To blow money 意思就是一次花很多钱,而且还比较奢侈浪费。
注意,这个以blow money为核心的表达搭配的介词是on。我们再来看两个例子:
When we were at the mall the other day, you blew a whole week's pay on shoes.
You blew all of your money on black jack(black jack,21点纸牌游戏,此处意为21点纸牌赌博活动。)
好啦,今天先说到这里。Would you like to go shopping after work? Would you like to blow some money? Shopping的诱惑是很难抵抗的,不过在blow some money的时候,也不要忘了save some money哦,而且,最好 blow your money on something useful,那就实在两全其美了。