1. Expand Your Cinematic Vocabulary 扩展你的电影积累
Good film criticism often involves making astute comparisons. The more
diverse and numerous the films in your vocabulary, the more insightful,
relevant, and intelligent your observations will be.
2. Respect the Medium You Are Criticizing 尊重你要批评的媒体
Filmmaking requires blood, sweat, and tears, sometimes
literally. Directors often pour so much of themselves into their films that it becomes
physically and emotionally dangerous.
3. Develop an Appreciation For All the Arts 对各种艺术类型都要懂得欣赏
This point is similar to the first one, except it is broader in scope. All of the arts resemble one another to some extent, and they all liberally plagiarize across the lines. Cultivating an
appreciation for other art forms will
enhance your ability to write articulately about film.
4. Study Classic Film Criticism 研习经典的影评
Mastering any art form (and film criticism is an art form)
inevitably requires studying the old masters of that form. A composer with no knowledge of Mozart, a writer with no
appreciation for Shakespeare, and a filmmaker with no understanding of Hitchcock are all poor artists indeed.
5. Develop a Unique Voice 拥有自己独特的见解
Some critics take pride in their prejudices, slinging vitriolic barbs at a
specific actor or genre with
relish. They develop
unique voices out of their subjective views, which speaks to the heart of the
critical enterprise: of the two things that set a critic apart, their
specific subjectivity is the most important in establishing a
consistent readership.
6. Don't Be Dull 不要沉闷
Reviews can be analytical, they can be clever, they can even be
abstract; the one thing they should never be, however, is boring. Dullness will be the death of your future as a film critic. If you're going to write a film review, make sure you have something interesting to say.
7. Invest Yourself in Other Pursuits 涉足别的职业领域
Although this may seem contradictory, the film critic who only watches films to the
exclusion of all other pursuits will deliver introverted, myopic reviews. To put it
bluntly, a film critic should have a hobby. To put it even more
bluntly than that, a film critic should have a life.
8. Become an Excellent Essayist 做一个出类拔萃的随笔作家
The best pieces of film criticism could
comfortably be included in a book of personal and
intellectual essays. They are not so much about the film itself, but about the experience of the film (and whatever that entails).
9. Avoid the Reviews of Others Before Writing...Study Them Afterwards
Your experience at a film is truly unlike anyone else's experience, and your work will be better the more
unique and personal it is to you. Reading the reviews of others
beforehand, apart from encouraging thepitfall of plagiarism, will simply dull and neuter your own experiences and thoughts.
10. Develop a Philosophy of Trash 培养你的"烂片哲学"
The movie doesn't have to be great; it can be stupid and empty and you can still have the joy of a good performance, or the joy in just a good line. An actor'sscowl, a small subversive gesture, a dirty remark that someone tosses off with a mock-innocent face, and the world makes a little bit of sense.