
不定式和动词象一对姐妹一样亲密,本不该拆开来讲,可是篇幅有限,只能让他们分开了。不定式的构成非常简单,告诉我是什么?对!是to+动词原形。当然啦,to有时也可以不带。动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,可以担当除谓语外的任何句子成分。那什么时候可以不带to呢? Listen to me carefully.
  使役动词 let,have,make 等后接不定式。如:Let him go! 让他走!
  would rather,had better后。如:You had better stay at home.你最好呆在家里。
  Why... / why not...后。如:Why not have a good rest on Sunday? 为什么星期天不好好休息一下呢?
  感官动词 see, watch, look at, hear, listen to, smell,feel, find 等后作宾补,省to。如:I saw him dance. 我看见他跳舞。
  注意:这些情况在被动句中可千万不可省to 哟! 如:The boss made them work the whole night. 变成被动句:They were made to work the whole night.
  如: It is not difficult for me to study English well.(对我来说学好英语是可能的。)
不定式还可以充当句子的宾语,但有些动词,如find,think,believe 等,在语法上不能接受不定式作宾语,只有用it作形式宾语,从而把动词不定式置于句尾。这样的不定式可继续充当其宾语的作用。
  如: I found it difficult to fall asleep.我发现很难入睡。
  还有一点:动词不定式,还可用在how,when,where,what,which 等疑问代词或副词之后,与其共同作宾语。如:I don't know how to use a computer.我不知道怎样使用电脑。Remember?
too...to...和enough...to:too...to表达"太 ... 一致于不能..."。
  enough ... to 表达 "足以..."。这两个词组的用法用两个例子就可以说清楚了。
  The box is too heavy for me to lift.这个箱子太沉了,我提不动。
  He is old enough to go to school.他到上学的年龄了。也就是说,他的年龄足够上学了。记住这两个句子就可以举一反三,应用自如。你记住了吗?
1. Tell him ___ the window.
  A. to close not
  B. not to close
  C. to not close
  D. not close
 2. Paul doesn't have to be made ___. He always works hard.
  A. learn
  B. to learn
  C. learned
  D. learning
 3. You'd better _______the story in Japanese.
  A. say
  B. speak
  C. tell
  D. talk
 4. The patient was warned ___ oily food after the operation.
  A. to eat not
  B. eating not
  C. not to eat
  D. not eating
 5. ---- I usually go there by train.
  ---- Why not ___ by boat for a change?
  A. to try going
  B. trying to go
  C. to try and go
  D. try going
 6. There are some books on the floor, would you like ________?
  A. to pick them up
  B. to pick up them
  C. pick it up
  D. pick up it
 7. She is very ill, let's _______a doctor at once.
  A. to wake up
  B. send for
  C. to pay for
  D. pay for
 8. I want ________a teacher when I grow up.
  A. to be
  B. to
  C. be
  D. being
 9. It's cold here. You'd better ______ your coat.
  A. not take out
  B. not to take down
  C. not take off
  D. not to take away
 10. My mother told me ________more water.
  A. drinking
  B. drank
  C. to drink
  D. drink
1. You'd better _______read in the sun.
  A. not to
  B. not
  C. don't
  D. to
 2. You aren't a new driver, are you? _______.
  A. No, I am
  B. Yes, I'm not
  C. No, you are
  D. Yes, I am
 3. Must I stay here now?_________.
  A. No, you mustn't
  B. No, you needn't
  C. Yes, you can
  D. Yes, you may
 4. There is _______ "s" in the word "bus".
  A. a
  B. an
  C. the
  D. /
 5. Neithere of us ______a doctor.
  A. is
  B. isn't
  C. are
  D. aren't
 6. Who was the first in the girls'_________race?
  A. 400 metre
  B. 400-metre
  C. 400 metres
  D. 400-metres
 7. It's too noisy here, I can't _______.
  A. go to sleep
  B. fall to sleep
  C. sleeping
  D. get to sleep
 8. The story happened ________ the evening of October 20, 1995.
  A. at
  B. on
  C. in
  D. to
  • learning [´lə:niŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.学习;学问;知识   (初中英语单词)
  • sleeping [´sli:piŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.&a.睡着(的)   (初中英语单词)
  • learned [´lə:nid] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.有学问的,博学的   (高中英语单词)
  • trying [´traiiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.难堪的;费劲的   (英语四级单词)