
知情人士透露,微软(Microsoft Corp.)正在测试一款类似于谷歌眼镜(Google Glass)的可上网眼镜的原型机,这意味着微软可能会进入基于互联网的可穿戴技术设备市场;这个市场虽然炒得火热,但至今仍未证明自己。一位熟悉微软项目的人士说,微软已经要求几个亚洲零部件制造商为其眼镜原型机供应摄像头和其他关键配件。

Microsoft Corp. is testing prototypes for Web-connected eyewear similar to the Google Glass device, people familiar with the matter said, potentially pushing the company into the much-hyped but unproven market for Internet-enabled technology gear worn on the body.

A person familiar with Microsoft's project said the company has asked several component makers in Asia to supply cameras and other key components for eyewear prototypes.


The person cautioned the device might never reach mass production.


The test shows Microsoft is keeping close tabs on the emerging market for so-called wearable technology gear, which includes bracelets that detect how much people exercise, wristwatches that replicate some features of smartphones, and more out-there ideas like tattoos to log people onto their computing devices.

市场研究公司ABI Research预计,到2018年可穿戴设备的年销量将达到4.85亿部。

Market-research firm ABI Research expects annual sales of wearable devices will reach 485 million units by 2018.


Microsoft is 'determined to take the lead in hardware manufacturing to make sure the company won't miss out on the opportunities in the wearable gadget market,' the person said.


The eyeglass-device test also underscores Microsoft's efforts to transform itself from a company that mostly made software into one that also has a hand in the gadgets on which the software runs.

智能手机、电视机上用的小型数字视频连接器和其他硬件已经推动了消费技术的转变,同时也令苹果(Apple Inc.)和三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)成为科技业巨头。相比之下,微软在消费硬件市场一直主要处于旁观者地位。

Smartphones, small digital-video connectors for television sets and other hardware devices have helped transformconsumer technology -- and established Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. as technology titans. By contrast, Microsoft has largely been sidelined in the consumer-hardware market.

微软斥资70亿美元收购诺基亚(Nokia Corp.)的手机业务,凸显了微软扩大在消费技术设备领域影响力的决心。微软去年也开始生产自己的计算设备——名为的Surface平板电脑,而且知情人士已经表示,微软还将继续测试可联网的手表。

Microsoft's determination to become a bigger player in consumer tech gear was underscored by its $7 billionacquisition of Nokia Corp.'s mobile-phone business. Microsoft last year also started making its own computing devices, called Surface, and it is continuing to test its own Web-connected watch, people familiar with the matter have said.

在可穿戴设备领域,微软的竞争对手谷歌(Google Inc.)一直是可戴在脸上的设备的最大支持者。

In wearable computing, Microsoft rival Google Inc. has been the biggest backer of devices worn on the face.

该公司推出的Google Glass外形像一副眼镜,右眼上方带一个邮票大小的电脑显示屏。佩戴Google Glass的用户可以发出语音指令进行拍照,无需查看智能手机即可获得数字指路服务。

The company's Google Glass device looks like an eyeglass frame with a postage-stamp-size computerscreen just above the right eye. Google Glass lets wearers take photos with voice commands and get digital directions without turning their gaze to a smartphone.

这些设备如何为发明者赚钱,这还不得而知;事实也还没有证明人们是否想要这样的设备。研究公司Forrester Research最近对美国人进行的一项调查显示,有12%的受访者说,如果网络设备是出自一家让人信赖的公司之手,他们愿意在脸上佩戴。

It is unclear how the devices would make their inventors money, and it is unproven whether people want them at all. In a recent survey of Americans by research firm Forrester Research, 12% of respondents said they would wear Web gadgets on their faces if they came from a trusted company.

对Google Glass可能侵犯隐私的担忧一直困扰着可上网眼镜。Google Glass尚未公开销售。

Worries about potentialprivacy invasions with Google Glass have dogged Web-connected eyewear. Google Glass isn't yet for sale to the public.


To address the issue, Google has said that it has built explicit signals to make others aware of actions such as taking photographs or videos.


Optimists about wearable devices say companies making gadgets that duplicate features of mobile phones could undercut smartphone sales. As competition drives down prices of most technology, wearable devices also could provide an opening for higher-cost gear.


In addition to Google, some of the biggest technology companies are showing interest in wearable gadgets.

据知识产权公司Envision IP说,截至10月10日,微软有78项与头戴显示屏和其他可穿戴技术有关的专利,有94项已发布的专利申请。

Microsoft has 78 U.S. patents related to head-mounted display and other wearable technologies, and 94 published pending applications as of Oct. 10, according to intellectual property firm Envision IP.


Google had 59 such U.S. patents and Apple had 27 on Oct. 10, Envision said.

三星和电脑芯片生产商高通公司(Qualcomm Inc.)最近推出了可上网手表。

Samsung and computer-chip maker Qualcomm Inc. recently introduced Web-connected watches.

今年5月,苹果首席执行长库克(Tim Cook)说,可穿戴电脑将是科技的一个重要分支,不过他说,他认为类似于眼镜的设备不会成为主流。

In May, Apple's chief executive, Tim Cook, said wearable computers will be a 'key branch' in technology, though he said he didn't believe eyewear-like gear would have mainstream appeal.

Lorraine Luk / Shira Ovide
