
美国就业市场正在复苏,但是青少年就业未见起色,尤其是那些来自低收入和少数族裔家庭的孩子。据美国劳工部(Labor Department)周二公布的数据显示,今年暑期年龄在16岁至19岁之间的青少年只有不到三分之一的人找到了工作,比例与去年基本持平。衰退出现前,超过40%的青少年在暑期工作。每四个尝试找工作的青少年中就有一个人未能找到工作,这一比例远远高于美国整体7.4%的失业率水平。

The job-market recovery is leaving teenagers behind--especially those from low-income and minority backgrounds.


Less than a third of 16- to 19-year-olds had jobs this summer, essentiallyunchanged from a year ago, according to Labor Department data released Tuesday. Before the recession, more than 40% of teens had summer jobs. One in four teens who tried to find work failed to get a job, far above the 7.4% unemployment rate for the broader population.

德雷赛尔大学(Drexel University)曾研究过青少年就业市场的教授哈林顿(Paul Harrington)说,青少年处在找工作队伍的队尾,因此除非就业市场实现强劲复苏,否则他们就难以找到工作。

Retailers, fast-food restaurants and other traditional employers of this cohort have stepped up hiring in recent months. But with the ranks of unemployed including many better-qualified candidates, companies have little incentive to hire inexperienced teenagers. With work still scarce, college students and even college graduates are settling for jobs once done mostly by teens, while at the same time more retirees are taking part-time jobs.


'Kids are at the bottom of the labor queue, so if you don't get a strong recovery it just doesn't reach down to kids,' said Paul Harrington, a Drexel University professor who has studied the youth job market.


Young people are missing out on more than just spending money, experts say. Summer jobs are a chance to build work experience and develop everything from job-specific skills to basic work habits like showing up on time. Working, whether during summer or the school year, increases rates of high-school graduation and college attendance, and leads to higher earnings down the line.

现年18岁的洛杉矶高中高年级学生格拉马乔(Robin Gramajo)整个暑期都在找工作,但运气不佳。他的一个朋友通过一个城市计划找到了一个在美国银行(Bank of America Co.)实习的机会,这一计划帮助低收入家庭青少年寻找对其职业道路有帮助的工作。由于此前工作经验很少,格拉马乔甚至无法在当地餐馆找到工作。

'Working while you're in school, working in summers, really matters,' Mr. Harrington said. 'Kids who have worked in high school tend to do better later in life.'


Robin Gramajo, an 18-year-old high-school senior in Los Angeles, spent all summer applying for jobs with no luck. A friend of his found an internship with Bank of America through a city-run program that helps low-income teens find career-path jobs. With minimal previous work history, Mr. Gramajo couldn't even land a job at a local diner.


'It's the work experience. You're getting a young guy and they have no work experience and they're young,' he said. 'Would you rather have that or someone with more experience?'

波士顿东北大学(Northeastern University)劳动力市场研究中心(Center for Labor Market Studies)主任森(Andrew Sum)说,青少年就业状况低迷目前正在令种族和社会经济带来的差异扩大,今年暑期每四个西班牙裔青少年中只有一人找到工作,每五个非洲裔美国青少年中只有一人找到工作。

Mr. Gramajo said he worries that by missing out on the chance to work this summer, he will have a harder time finding a job when he graduates from high school this December, after the fall semester.


Andrew Sum, director of the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University in Boston, said the weak teen job situation is worsening existing racial and socioeconomic disparities in the labor market. Just one in four Hispanic teens worked this summer, and just one in five African-American ones.

来自低收入家庭的青少年缺少那种有助于他们中产家庭同学找到工作的关系,他们经常甚至不知道该如何申请工作。伯纳尔(Karla Bernal)今年春季在芝加哥完成了她的中学初级课程,她希望在今年暑期能找份工作,但她甚至不知道该从何开始。当地非赢利组织青少年指导(Youth Guidance)的一位顾问告诉这个17岁女孩说,附近一家杂货店有一个职位,并帮她为面试做准备。

'Kids from low-income, minority backgrounds on the teenage side have just been completely thrown out of this labor market,' Mr. Sum said. 'Young black males are just not getting any work at all.'


Low-income youths lack the connections that help their middle-class peers earn jobs, and often don't even know how to apply. Karla Bernal, who completed her junior year of high school in Chicago last spring, wanted to work this summer but didn't even know where to begin. A counselor at Youth Guidance, a local nonprofit, told the 17-year-old about a position at a nearby grocery store, and helped her prepare for an interview.


'We sat in his office and we kind of prepared a little speech and he told me to call them,' Ms. Bernal said. She landed an interview, and got a job as a cashier for $8.25 an hour.


Ms. Bernal said it has been tough going to work every day while her friends enjoy their free time. But she has been able to put $100 of each paycheck into savings, helps her mother pay bills, and now plans to buy contact lenses to replace her glasses.

Ben Casselman