英语口语学习:真正的日常口语 3
Cut off this shit.少废话
He got away with it.他逃脱了,开脱了
Don't get that look! 不要摆那种脸色
Real bad! 真糟糕
My bad! 是我的错
Let's get down to business.我们就开门见山吧,我们直话直说吧
He's a down-to-earth person.他是个很实际的人
What is it to you? 那关你什么事?
It's all healed up.痊愈了
Don't blow it.不要搞碴了
Don't ever do that again.不要再那样
I'm backing out.我退出
I'll keep an eye on you.我会盯箸你的
You are a player.你是个中好手
He's grounded.他被禁足了
Get your ass down! 你给我下来!
Get your ass out! 你给我出去!
You got me.你难倒我了
That's worth trying.值得一试
That's so gross.真恶心
Do you think you're so hot? 你以为自己很了不起吗?
You don't belong here.你不属于这里,你不是这块料
I owe you one.我欠你一次
It can't be helped.没办法
You got to carry on.你要撑下去
Let's hang out sometime.我们找个时间出去混一混吧
It's kind of early.还有点早
You're letting me down.你让我扫兴,失望
Don't let me down.不要让我失望
There's no turning back.这是不归路
Take it or leave it! 要不要?不要拉倒!接不接受?不要就算了!
All set? =All ready? 都准备好啦?
I'm really excited about this! 好剌激喔!
I'm booked today.我今天已经约满
Book him! 把他拘押
I made the kid a promise.我已经答应孩子了
Is it coming back to you? 想起来了吗?
I need fifty.我要一半
What's new?有什么新鲜事?
You look like shit! 你看起来真狼狈
Everybody's happy! 皆大欢喜
Shoot! 有话快说,有屁快放
We can get through this together.我们可以一起渡此难关
You just don't get it.你就是不明白;你就是不懂状况
What do you care? 关你啥事
They're brainwashed!他们被洗脑了
I'll make it up to you.我会补偿你的
He always screws around.他老是到处鬼混
You wanna play hard ball? I'm in game!你要玩硬的,我奉陪
You lost your mind? 你疯了?
Knock it off! 少来了
Scum-back! 混蛋,人渣
Watch your mouth! 小心你的嘴吧,说话当心点
Holy hell! 天啊!
Keep it between us.不要说出去喔
Where did he take her? 他带她到哪里去了?