
随着世界各地越来越多的人使用WhatsApp、Line和微信(WeChat)之类的智能手机通讯应用相互交流,运营这些应用的公司纷纷推出附加功能以留住用户。由加州山景城(Mountain View)一家初创公司开发的WhatsApp上周发布新功能,简化了发送录制语音信息的过程。在中国广受欢迎的信息及聊天应用微信正是凭借类似的功能在国内外市场扩张。

As more people around the world use smartphone messaging apps like WhatsApp, Line and WeChat to communicate with each other, the companies running those apps are offeringadditional features to retain users.

WhatsApp的用户已经可以录制"语音留言"并以信息方式发送,但新的"语音信息"(Voice Messages)服务让它可以更容易地做到这一点,而且还有一些附加功能,比如在接收者听到信息后通知发送者。

WhatsApp, developed by a Mountain View, California-based startup, this week launched a new feature that simplifies the process of sending recorded voice messages. A similar feature helped WeChat, a massively popular text-and-chat app in China, expand in domestic and overseas markets.


WhatsApp users are already able to record a