
剑桥公爵和公爵夫人(Duke and Duchess of Cambridge)宣布,他们已经给刚出生的儿子取名乔治(George),选择了一个传统的名字。这个名字可能会让女王伊丽莎白二世 (Queen Elizabeth II)满意──她的父亲是国王乔治六世(King George VI),伦敦的博彩者也很开心,这个名字是伦敦博彩公司投注的大热门。威廉王子和王妃凯特周三宣布,小王子的全名为乔治•亚历山大•路易(George Alexander Louis)。他的正式头衔加名字的全称为:剑桥乔治王子殿下(His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge)。

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge announced they have named their new son George, opting for a traditional name that will likely satisfy both Queen Elizabeth II--whose father was known as King George VI--and gamblers who made it a favorite at London betting shops.


The baby's full name is George Alexander Louis, his parents Prince William and the former Kate Middleton announced Wednesday. He will be formally known by his full title: His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge.

宣布这一消息是在公爵夫人生下小王子两天后。随着预产期临近,从孩子的性别到名字的方方面面都引发人们的猜测,博彩公司也就此接受人们的投注。博彩公司Paddy Power PLC周一晚间的热门男孩名字是乔治,赔率为6/1。

As the royal couple's first born, the baby is third in line to the throne behind his grandfather Prince Charles, and father, Prince William.

英国王室以乔治为名有着长期的传统,其中最近的一位是现任女王的父亲乔治六世,他从1936年起在位,直至1952年去世。乔治六世出生时的全名为阿尔伯特•弗里德里克•亚瑟•乔治(Albert Frederick Arthur George)。

The announcement comes two days after the Duchess gave birth to the baby. As the due date drew near, speculation intensified on everything from the baby's sex to its name, on which betting parlors had been taking wagers. The favorite boy's name Monday evening at bookies Paddy Power PLC was George at 6-to-1.

起个名字的国王中最有名的或许是乔治三世(George III),他于1760年登上王位,他让世人记住的是其在位期间失去了美洲殖民地,以及多次患病后精神失常。

The royal family has a long tradition of Georges, including most recently the current queen's father, King George VI, who reigned from 1936 until he died in 1952. His full given name at birth was Albert Frederick Arthur George.

Cassell Bryan-Low