
果(Apple Inc.)正在为其智能手机和平板电脑测试更大的屏幕,以回应日渐加剧的有关其产品线以及三星电子(Samsung Electronics)的竞争的担忧。苹果供应商的内部人士说,苹果最近几个月定制了比目前的iPhone尺寸更大的智能手机原型机的屏幕,并要求为尺寸略低于13英寸的新款平板电脑进行屏幕设计。这些设计是否会成功进入市场还不清楚,但这可能意味着苹果将推出比目前的4英寸屏幕iPhone 5和9.7英寸iPad尺寸更大的手机和平板电脑。

Apple Inc. is testing larger screens for its smartphones and tablets as it attempts to answer increasing concerns about its product lineup and competition from Samsung Electronics Co.


People at Apple's suppliers said it asked for prototype smartphone screens larger than its current iPhone in recent months, and has asked for screen designs for a new tablet measuring slightly less than 13 inches. Whether the designs will make their way to market is unclear, but they could lead to Apple phones and tablets that are larger than the current 4-inch iPhone 5 and 9.7-inch iPad.


An Apple spokeswoman declined to comment. Reuters earlier reported Apple was investigating larger screen sizes for its iPhone.


The screen tests come as Apple is set to disclose third fiscal-quarter earnings on Tuesday and provide insight into how the company's existing lineup is selling. In April, the Cupertino, Calif., company reported profits contracted for the first time in a decadedespite strong demand for the iPhone and iPad.


The challenge Apple faces is how to continue expanding its customer base with innovative new products and refinements of current ones. Apple has successfully done both, but analysts note the company hasn't launched a new product line since the original iPad in 2010.

投资公司BGC Financial的吉利斯(Colin Gillis)在给投资者的一份报告中说,对于消费者希望智能手机屏幕更大,以及希望新手机具备入门级的价格,苹果对此反应迟缓。人们一直在等待新产品发布,这已经成为令人痛苦的事情。

The tests with suppliers suggest that Apple is exploring ways to capturecustomer interest in smartphones and tablets from competitors that come in various sizes. Its biggest rival in the tablet and smartphone markets, South Korea's Samsung, offers products with different features and sizes in what its executives say is an effort to appeal to as many customers as possible. The products have allowed Samsung to become the world's largest smartphone maker, even though Apple still leads in tablets.


'Apple has been slow to react to consumer desire for larger smartphone screens, [and] entry level price points on new phones,' said BGC Financial's Colin Gillis in an investor note. 'Waiting and waiting, for the new products to launch, has become painful,' he wrote.


Apple routinely tests different designs for its products as it refines them during development. The company also changed its iPhone and iPod offerings last year to include larger screens, while adding a 'mini' variant of the iPad with a 7.9-inch screen.

随着智能手机市场逐渐成熟,三星的Galaxy系列智能手机和平板电脑成为苹果最强有力的竞争对手。研究公司Strategy Analytics的数据显示,三星是领先的智能手机生产商,一季度占据了33.1%的市场份额,苹果位居第二,市场份额为17.9%。国际数据公司(IDC)的数据显示,在平板电脑市场,苹果仍然居主导地位,但其一季度市场份额从上年同期的58.1%下降至39.6%。采用谷歌(Google Inc.)安卓(Android)操作系统的三星占据了平板电脑市场17.9%的份额,高于上年同期的11.3%。

A spate of missteps over new mapping technology, higher than expected popularity of older-model iPhones and increasing competition have heightened investor fears and weighed on its shares, which are down 39% from a high above $700 last September. Apple shares gained $1.36 to $426.31 in New York on Monday.

IDC分析师江芳韵(Helen Chiang)说,长期来看,我们将看到各种尺寸触摸屏,因为科技行业未来的愿景就是在各种屏幕上提供同样的用户体验;关键是降低成本,并针对大屏幕设备推出具有吸引力的应用程序。

As the smartphone market has begun to mature, Samsung's Galaxy line of smartphones and tablets has emerged as one of Apple's toughest competitors. Samsung was the leading smartphone maker with 33.1% of the market in the first quarter, while Apple trailed in second place, with 17.9%, according to researcher Strategy Analytics. In tablets, Apple is still the dominant player, but its market share fell to 39.6% in first quarter from 58.1% a year earlier, according to researcher International Data Corp. Samsung, which uses Google Inc.'s GOOG +1.57% Android operating system, grabbed 17.9% of the tablet market, up from 11.3% a year earlier.