

Detroit's bankruptcypetition paints a bleak picture for the Motor City: more than 100,000 creditors, more than $18 billion in accrued obligations and a homicide rate that is at its highest level in nearly 40 years.


Detroit filed for bankruptcyprotection Thursday afternoon, becoming the largest ever municipalbankruptcy case. It becomes the latest in a small but high-profile list of municipalities to file after the recession. The cities of Stockton and San Bernardino in California filed last summer and Jefferson County, Ala., did so in November 2011.

底特律是在紧急状态管理人奥尔(Kevyn Orr)的指挥下步上破产之路的。他没有与足够多的债券持有人、养老基金和其他债权人就底特律的债务重组达成庭外和解。《华尔街日报》此前曾报道称,美国银行(Bank of America Corp.)和瑞士银行(UBS AG)等债权人在与底特律进行谈判。

The city was steered into bankruptcy by an emergency manager, Kevyn Orr, who did not secure agreements with enough bondholders, pension funds and other credits to restructure the city's debt out of court. The Wall Street Journal previously reported that creditors such as Bank of America Corp. BAC +3.14% and UBS AG were in discussions with the city.

密歇根州州长斯奈德(Rick Snyder)在授权申请破产的备忘录中写道:决定宣布破产以前,底特律经历了长达60年的衰退,在这段时期内,现实情况常被忽略。这个备忘录已与破产申请一起被提交。

The decision to declare bankruptcy 'comes in the wake of 60 years of decline for the city, a period in which reality was often ignored,' Gov. Rick Snyder wrote in a memo authorizing the case, which was filed with the bankruptcy petition.


'I know many will see this as a low point in the city's history,' Mr. Snyder continued. 'If so, I think it will also be the foundation of the city's future