
全球管理咨询公司合益集团(Hay Group)发布的一份报告,在亚洲,部门经理等中层管理人员的薪酬是办公室文员等操作类员工薪酬的14倍以上,居全球之冠。该报告举例说,亚洲的这一薪酬差距远远大于北美(3.5倍)和欧洲(2.9倍),也大于中东(11.9倍)和中南美(10.2倍),其他地区多为新兴市场国家。

In Asia, middle managers such as department heads make more than 14 times as much as operational employees such as clerical workers--the biggest such pay disparity in the world, according to a report by global management consulting firm Hay Group.

合益集团董事总经理希金斯(Thomas Higgins)说,新兴市场薪酬差距大于发达市场,这从很大程度上要归因于新兴市场对经验丰富的人才的争夺,人才争夺战推高了管理人员薪酬。

The difference in pay in Asia is far greater, for example, than in North America (3.5 times) and Europe (2.9 times), and somewhat bigger than in the Middle East (11.9 times) and Central and South America (10.2), other regions comprised mostly of emerging markets, the report said.


The greater disparity in pay in emerging versus developed markets can largely be blamed on a battle for experiencedtalent in emerging markets that is pushing up management salaries, said Thomas Higgins, managing director of Hay Group.


In places where the disparity is extreme, such as Pakistan and Egypt, it creates 'strains between haves and have-nots,' he said.

亚洲薪酬差距的不断扩大开始引发关注。亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank)去年发布的一份报告说,导致薪酬差距不断扩大的因素包括技术进步、全球化和市场化改革,这些因素通常对生活在城市地区的人、高技能工人和资本所有者有利。

Among cities, pay is most unequal in Karachi, Pakistan, where middle managers earn 22.5 times as much as workers. A number of East Asian cities, though, ranked among the 10 most unequal. They include Shanghai (18.5), Delhi (18.3), Beijing (18), Mumbai (16.6) and Bangkok (16.6). The global average for 2012 was 8.4.


Growing inequality in Asia has begun to attract attention. In a report last year, the Asian Development Bank cited as contributing factors technological advances, globalization and market-oriented reforms that tend to favor those who live in urban areas, highly skilled workers and the owners of capital.


Earlier this year, China's State Council vowed to shrink the growing gap between rich and poor by improving social safety nets and raising taxes on the rich.


Workers fared best overall in purchasing power in Geneva, the Hay Group study reported, with 166% of the purchasing power of their counterparts in New York. But seniormanagement in Doha, Qatar, enjoyed the world's greatest purchasing power by far--366% of senior managers in New York City.


While workers' purchasing power is lower in Eastern European and Asia, middle managers and executives there have fared well, often better than those in the West.

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The report also measured the cost of employing operational workers beyond their base salary, including such things as payments for pensions and disability benefits. The most expensive employees in the world? Operational workers in Zurich, who cost 75% more than those in New York.

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