一项涉及约15万人的分析显示,四年时间内增加红肉摄入量的人在随后四年内更有可能罹患II型糖尿病。该分析由新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)的研究员带头进行,从哈佛大学(Harvard University)三项主要涉及护士和医生的长期研究中获取数据。研究结果于6月17日发表在美国医学会(American Medical Association)旗下的《美国医学会杂志•内科学》(JAMA Internal Medicine) 网站上。这些研究由来自美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)的津贴资助。
People who increased their
consumption of red meat during a four-year period were more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes in a
subsequent four-year period, according to an
analysis involving about 150,000 people.
The analysis, led by researchers at the National University of Singapore, took data from three long-running Harvard University studies involving
mostly nurses and doctors. The results were published online Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine, a
journal of the American Medical Association. The studies were funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health.
总的来说,研究表明,四年内红肉日摄入量每增加半份,随后四年罹患II型糖尿病的风险就会比红肉摄入量无变化的人 高出48%。
While prior studies have also found a link between red-meat
consumption and the development of Type 2 diabetes, the new
analysis is believed to be the first time researchers have tracked changes in red-meat
consumption over time with the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Study participants filled out detailed questionnaires about the types of food and drinks they consumed at the
beginning of the study and every four years. The
analysis looked at some 20 years of data.
Broadly, the study showed that, compared with a group of people who had no change in red-meat intake, increasing red-meat
consumption by more than a half-serving per day over a four-year period was associated with a 48% increase in the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes during the next four years.
However, reducing red-meat
consumption by the same
amount during the same time period didn't cut the risk of diabetes during the next four years. It did reduce the risk by 14% over a longer time period, though.
研究报告的作者写道:"我们的研究结果证实了红肉摄入与?II型糖尿病预防?之间的稳固联系,并进一步证明长期限制红肉摄入有助于预防该疾病。"新加坡国立大学苏瑞福公共卫生学院(Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health)助理教授An Pan是该项研究的首席作者。
The changes were independent of other factors such as body weight and overall diet quality.
'Our results
confirm the robustness of the association between red meat and [Type 2 diabetes prevention] and add further evidence that limiting red-meat
consumption over time confers benefits for