
    乐乐:大卫,你周末有时间吗?去我家玩儿吧。    大卫:太好了,我还没去过中国人的家里。你家在什么地方?    乐乐:我家住在幸福小区,就在鸟巢附近。    大卫:你家人周末都在家吗?    乐乐:我爸爸去上海了,下个月才回来。我妈妈在家,她做饭特别好吃。    大卫:太好了!     Lele: David, do you have time the weekend? Go to my home to play.
David: Super, I have still not been to a Chinese home. Where is your home?
L: My home is at the Happy Housing Development, right next to the Bird's Nest.
D: Will all your family be home the weekend?
L: My father has gone to Shanghai, he'll back home next month. My mother will be home, she is going to cook special tasty dishes.
D: Super!

-- benchannevy@

Lesson Summary:
Today we learn how to invite friends to your home to play. Lesson Content: Lele: David, do you have time the weekend? Go to my home to play.
David: Super, I have still not been to a Chinese home. Where is your home?
L: My home is at the Happy Housing Development, right next to the Bird's Nest.
D: Will all your family be home the weekend?
L: My father has gone to Shanghai, he'll back home next month. My mother will be home, she is going to cook special tasty dishes.
D: Super!