
    心涛:洋洋,你知道世界第八大奇迹吗?    洋洋:是不是秦始皇兵马俑啊?    心涛:答对了!你参观过吗?    洋洋:没有啊,不过听说很壮观。你呢?    心涛:我前几天去西安兵马俑了。百闻不如一见啊,它不愧是世界考古史上最伟大的发现之一啊!    洋洋:快跟我讲讲你此行的见闻。    心涛:没问题。兵马俑其实是制成战车、战马或者士兵形状的殉葬品。秦始皇兵马俑坑是秦始皇陵的陪葬坑,已经有两千多年的历史,最早发现于1974年。此后,在俑坑原址上建立的秦始皇兵马俑博物馆是世界上最大的地下军事博物馆。    洋洋:这样看来,这些宝贝也只不过被发现不到四十年。     心涛:对啊。秦始皇陵兵马俑一共有三个俑坑,俑坑中有陶俑、战车、青铜兵器、生产工具等。每个俑坑各有千秋,但整体风格浑厚、健壮,富有感染力。陶俑形态各异、非常逼真,战马雕塑也栩栩如生。其中,二号坑里的建筑虽与一号坑相同,但布阵更为复杂,兵种也更齐全,是三个坑中最壮观的。每一位游客观赏后都感到十分震撼,并为古代劳动人民的智慧所折服。    洋洋:是嘛,那二号坑里具体有什么宝贝呢?    心涛:二号坑中光陶俑、陶马就有1300多件,战车有80余辆,青铜兵器更是数以万计。并且,里面的将军俑、鞍马俑和跪姿射俑均为首次发现。制作技艺精巧、精湛的铜车马让人不禁拍案叫绝。我在参观时还特别注意到,铜马、铜车的铸造简直惟妙惟肖,非常精细。无论是它的整体造型,还是细枝末节都达到了相当高的水平,让我不禁赞叹,简直是巧夺天工啊!    洋洋:听你这一讲解,兵马俑不愧是中国的瑰宝。    心涛:确实是这样。兵马俑坑中庞大的军阵向世人再现了秦始皇当年为完成统一中国的大业而展现出的军功和军威。大量的陶俑、青铜兵器更是体现了鲜明的个性的强烈的时代特征,为中华民族灿烂的古老文化增了光彩,也给世界艺术史补充了光辉的一页。更为重要的是, 兵马俑的发现为研究中国古代军事史提供了真实和可靠的资料。    洋洋:有机会我也一定要身临其境地看看去! XT: Yang Yang, do you know the eighth wonder of the world?
YY: Is it the Terracotta Warriors?
XT: Yes! Have you been there?
YY: No, but it is said to be splendid. Have you been there?
XT: I went to Xi'an and visited it a few days ago. It's better to see personally rather than to admire. It's spectacular enough to be one of the greatest discoveries of the world.
YY: Tell we what you have seen.
XT: Okay, the terracotta is actually the funerary object made into chariots, war horses and soldiers. Discovered in 1974, The Terracotta Warriors is the funeral pit of the First Emperor of Qin Dynasty, which has a history longer than two thousand years. Afterwards, the museum built on the pit becomes the biggest underground military museum in the world.
XT: That's true. It has 3 terracotta chambers. In these chambers there are pottery figurines, war chariots, bronze weapons, and labor tools etc. Each terracotta chamber is centuries old, but the overall style is vigorous, robust and contagious. The pottery figurines differ in shape and are very vivid. The war horse sculptures are also very realistic. Although the second chamber is structured similar to the first chamber, it contains more complexformation and the soldier units are more complete. It is the most spectacular one of the three. All visitors feel very stunned after seeing it and convinced in the knowledge of the ancient laborers.
YY: Really? What specific treasures are there in the second chamber?
XT: The number of the terracotta figures and horses in the second chamber are more than 1300. There are more than 80 chariots and tens of thousands bronze weapons. Moreover, the statues of generals, saddled horses and kneeling archers inside are discovered for the first time. The craftsmanship of the elaborate and exquisitebronze chariots and horses leaves people in amazement. When I visited, I especially paid attention to the casting of the bronze horses and chariots. It is very vivid and meticulous. Whether it is the overall styling or the smaller minor details is not important, they are all done at a quite high level, and I couldn't help to be moved by its glory. Its beauty is beyond my description.
YY: After hearing your explanations, the terracotta army really is a worthy Chinese treasure.
XT: It really is. The huge battle formation of the terracotta army represents Qin Shi Huang's great success of unifying China and shows his military skill and might. The large number of terracotta figures and bronze weapons represents the distinct, individual and strong characteristics of that age and adds to the glory of the ancient culture of the Chinese people. It also enriches the splendor of world's art history. And more importantly, the discovery of the terracotta army provided precise and reliable information on the study of Chinese ancient military affairs.
YY: If I get a chance, I also want to go and see it for myself.

-- Jewel@

Lesson Summary:
Do you know the eighth wonder of the world? Have you ever visited the Terracotta warriors? Today let's learn more about this glorious and splendid historical relic. Lesson Content: XT: Yang Yang, do you know the eighth wonder of the world?
YY: Is it the Terracotta Warriors?
XT: Yes! Have you been there?
YY: No, but it is said to be splendid. Have you been there?
XT: I went to Xi'an and visited it a few days ago. It's better to see personally rather than to admire. It's spectacular enough to be one of the greatest discoveries of the world.
YY: Tell we what you have seen.
XT: Okay, the terracotta is actually the funerary object made into chariots, war horses and soldiers. Discovered in 1974, The Terracotta Warriors is the funeral pit of the First Emperor of Qin Dynasty, which has a history longer than two thousand years. Afterwards, the museum built on the pit becomes the biggest underground military museum in the world.
XT: That's true. It has 3 terracotta chambers. In these chambers there are pottery figurines, war chariots, bronze weapons, and labor tools etc. Each terracotta chamber is centuries old, but the overall style is vigorous, robust and contagious. The pottery figurines differ in shape and are very vivid. The war horse sculptures are also very realistic. Although the second chamber is structured similar to the first chamber, it contains more complexformation and the soldier units are more complete. It is the most spectacular one of the three. All visitors feel very stunned after seeing it and convinced in the knowledge of the ancient laborers.
YY: Really? What specific treasures are there in the second chamber?
XT: The number of the terracotta figures and horses in the second chamber are more than 1300. There are more than 80 chariots and tens of thousands bronze weapons. Moreover, the statues of generals, saddled horses and kneeling archers inside are discovered for the first time. The craftsmanship of the elaborate and exquisitebronze chariots and horses leaves people in amazement. When I visited, I especially paid attention to the casting of the bronze horses and chariots. It is very vivid and meticulous. Whether it is the overall styling or the smaller minor details is not important, they are all done at a quite high level, and I couldn't help to be moved by its glory. Its beauty is beyond my description.
YY: After hearing your explanations, the terracotta army really is a worthy Chinese treasure.
XT: It really is. The huge battle formation of the terracotta army represents Qin Shi Huang's great success of unifying China and shows his military skill and might. The large number of terracotta figures and bronze weapons represents the distinct, individual and strong characteristics of that age and adds to the glory of the ancient culture of the Chinese people. It also enriches the splendor of world's art history. And more importantly, the discovery of the terracotta army provided precise and reliable information on the study of Chinese ancient military affairs.
YY: If I get a chance, I also want to go and see it for myself.