
    洋洋:心涛,你最喜欢哪个节日?    心涛:我最喜欢圣诞节。    洋洋:你喜欢圣诞节?圣诞节可是西方的节日。    心涛:我信仰基督教。圣诞节对我们基督徒来说是全年中最重大的节日。    洋洋:是嘛,你是基督徒?    心涛:嗯,因为我们家人都信仰基督教,所以圣诞节也是我们一家最隆重的节日。每年圣诞节,我都负责装饰我家的圣诞树。    洋洋:是嘛!我太崇拜你了!你是怎么把圣诞树变得那么漂亮的?    心涛:红、绿、白三色被称为圣诞色。我提前做好这三种颜色的彩灯、花儿和小礼物,到圣诞节前夕,我把他们全都挂到圣诞树上。    洋洋:红、绿、白是圣诞色?我今天第一次听说。难怪圣诞老人就是红色和白色组成的。    心涛:说到圣诞老人,我八岁之前都相信,每年圣诞节我获得的礼物是他放进我的袜子里的。不过我觉得圣诞老人是否真的存在并不重要,拥有一个快乐的圣诞节和充满童话色彩的童年才是最重要的。

Lesson Summary:
Today is December.24th, many countries and districts are welcoming Christmas at this day. Do you like Christmas? Lesson Content: YY: Xin Tao, which festival do you like most?
XT: I like Christmas the most.
YY: Christmas? That's a western festival.
XT: I believe in Jesus. It's the most important festival to Christians.
YY: Wow, are you a Christian?
XT: Yes. And Christmas is the biggest festival for my family because my whole family believe in Jesus. Every year on Christmas, I will be responsible for decorating the Christmas Tree in my house.
YY: You're so awesome. How could you make the Christmas Tree so beautiful?
XT: Red, green and white are called the Christmas colors. I will always prepare the colorful lights in these three colors, flowers and small presents in advance, and hang them on the tree on the Christmas Eve.
YY: Christmas colors? It's the first time I have heard about them. So the Father Christmas is in red and white.
XT: As for the Father Christmas, I believed that the presents in my socks were sent from Father Christmas before I was eight years old. But I think whether Father Christmas exists doesn't matter, what matters is a happy Christmas and a dreamy and colorful childhood.
