
    服务员:欢迎光临,请问您想点什么?    顾客:我要一份饺子。请问一份饺子有几个?    服务员:大概二十个。请问你要什么馅儿的饺子?    顾客:我要羊肉馅儿饺子。    服务员:好的,请稍等。     Waiter:Welcome,what would like to order?
Customer:I want a portion of dumplings。 Please tell me how many are there in a portion?
W:About 20。 Please tell me what filling do you want for your dumplings?
C:I would like lamb。
W:All right。 Please wait a moment。

-- benchannevy@

Lesson Summary:
Have you ever eaten dumplings?

What filling do you like for your dumplings?

Lesson Content: Waiter:Welcome,what would like to order?
Customer:I want a portion of dumplings。 Please tell me how many are there in a portion?
W:About 20。 Please tell me what filling do you want for your dumplings?
C:I would like lamb。
W:All right。 Please wait a moment。