
    青青:昨晚加班,错过了电视剧的最后一集。    胡子:上网看网络电视吧。    青青:对啊,我忘了有这个好东西。    胡子:网络电视可以随心所欲地看,很方便了。    青青:对对对,我曾经熬通宵把一部电视剧看完。中间还没有任何广告。     Qing Qing: I worked overtime last night and missed the last episode of the teleplay.
Hu Zi: You can watch the IPTV.
Qing Qing: Yes. I forget this wonderful thing.
Hu Zi: It provides many teleplays and movies for you to watch at any time.
Qing Qing: I have been watching a teleplay the whole night till I finished it.

Lesson Summary:
What do you prefer- watching programs on TV or internet TV. These days more and more TV programs can be watched on the internet. You can watch them whenever it suits you, so it's very convenient for everybody. Lesson Content: QingQing:I had to work last night and missed the final episode of the TV drama.
HuZi:why don't you watch it on the internet.
QingQing:that's right, I forgot this service is now available.
HuZi: you can watch it on the net whenever it suits you,so it's really convenient.
QingQing: that's right, I once stayed up the whole night and watched the TV drama until the end. Without any TV ads in between!