
    A:洋洋,你怎么还闷闷不乐的?    B:今天是情人节,大家都是成双成对的,而我却是形单影只,心里不舒服。    A:你早上不是收到一大束玫瑰花吗?大家都羡慕坏了。    B:那些玫瑰是我男朋友让花店送过来的,他现在在外地工作,没办法赶过来和我一起过情人节。我知道他也是无可奈何,但是当我看到别的情侣在一起,心情就特别差。    A:洋洋,其实爱对了人,每天都是情人节。何必一定要一起过情人节呢?你看,你男朋友在外地,还想方设法买花儿送给你,可见他多么在意你。    B:听你这么说,我心里也舒服多了。两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。    A:对啊,开心一点!你看,我连女朋友都没有,不是成天也乐呵呵的。怎么样,晚上要是没有什么安排的话,一起吃饭去吧?     B:嗯,好啊!走,咱们吃全聚德烤鸭去! A: YY, why are you so depressed?
B: Today is Valentine's Day. Everyone have their valentines but I am alone. I feel terrible.
A: Didn't you receive a bunch of roses this morning? Everyone envied you.
B: My boyfriend asked the flower shop to send me those roses. He works far away from me and he can't spend Valentine's Day with me. I know there's nothing he can do, but when I see other couples, I feel really bad.
A: Actually YY, when you love the right person, every day is Valentine's Day. Why do you want to spend the very Valentine's Day together? Look, even though your boyfriend works far away, he still found a way to send you flowers. He absolutely cares about you.
A: That makes me feel much better. Durable love keeps without living together day and night.
B: Exactly, cheer up! Look, I don't even have a girlfriend and I am happy all the way. Why don't we have dinner together if you are not occupied tonight?
B: Okay, I'm glad to. Let's go to eat Pecking duck at Quanjude restaurant.

-- Jewel@

Lesson Summary:
Today is February 14th, happy Valentine's Day! What kind of present are you expecting to receive today? Lesson Content: A: YY, why are you so depressed?
B: Today is Valentine's Day. Everyone have their valentines but I am alone. I feel terrible.
A: Didn't you receive a bunch of roses this morning? Everyone envied you.
B: My boyfriend asked the flower shop to send me those roses. He works far away from me and he can't spend Valentine's Day with me. I know there's nothing he can do, but when I see other couples, I feel really bad.
A: Actually YY, when you love the right person, every day is Valentine's Day. Why do you want to spend the very Valentine's Day together? Look, even though your boyfriend works far away, he still found a way to send you flowers. He absolutely cares about you.
A: That makes me feel much better. Durable love keeps without living together day and night.
B: Exactly, cheer up! Look, I don't even have a girlfriend and I am happy all the way. Why don't we have dinner together if you are not occupied tonight?
B: Okay, I'm glad to. Let's go to eat Pecking duck at Quanjude restaurant.
