
    洋洋:心涛,你怎么没精打采的样子?。    心涛:别提了,我昨晚熬夜了。    洋洋:熬夜看球赛呀?    心涛:哪儿有心情看球赛,我可是熬夜学习法语呀。    洋洋:心涛,所谓"一口吃不成胖子",学语言也不是一两天的事,要靠长期的积累。    心涛:可是我怎么学都学不好,心急如焚呀!    洋洋:心急可吃不了热豆腐。我觉得可能是你的学习方法有问题?    心涛:我觉得法语的发音很难掌握,词汇量又大,我的记忆力越来越差了,昨天刚背过的单词,今天就忘了。    洋洋:这些问题,我学习英语的时候也遇到过。不过,你不用担心,万事开头难,等你入门了,摸索出规律之后,就会越学越轻松。    心涛:你现在英语说得很溜,有什么好的学习方法吗?    洋洋:书山有路勤为径!学习语言没有捷径,唯一的捷径就是不断练习,熟能生巧。发音、单词、语法、作文都是在反复练习中慢慢提高的。    心涛:你说得很有道理。一切还是得靠自己! YY: XT, why are you so listless?
XT: Forget it. I haven't slept for all night.
YY: Did you watch the game?
XT: I am in no mood to watch games. I was up studying French.
YY: XT, we all say" Nothing can be accomplished in one single effort
"You can't learn a language well in one or two days. It needs a long-time accumulation.
XT: But no matter how hard I study, my French is not getting better. I am very anxious.
YY: Even if you are in a hurry, you can't try so hard. I think maybe there is a problem with your learning methods.
XT: I think it's difficult to pronounce French accurately. The vocabulary is too large for me to remember. My ability to memorize is getting weaken. I've already forgotten the words I learned yesterday.
YY: I've also come across these problems when I was studying English. But you don't have to worry. The beginning is always tough. Once you have grasp the basic knowledge and find the regularities, you will find French easier to learn.
XT: Your English is very fluent now. Please tell me some good learning methods.
YY: The only way to learn is to work hard. There are no shortcuts in studying a language. The only way is to exercise constantly. Practice makes perfect. Pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and writing essays – they are all slowly improved with repeated exercising.
XT: It makes sense, I have to work hard!

-- Jewel@

Lesson Summary:
Have you ever stayed up all night to study Chinese? Have you ever fantasied to speak a proper Mandarin after just one night's study? Well, pay attention to today's lesson about " Nothing can be accomplished in one single effort
". Only through slow accumulation can one reach the peak of language learning. Lesson Content: YY: XT, why are you so listless?
XT: Forget it. I haven't slept for all night.
YY: Did you watch the game?
XT: I am in no mood to watch games. I was up studying French.
YY: XT, we all say" Nothing can be accomplished in one single effort
"You can't learn a language well in one or two days. It needs a long-time accumulation.
XT: But no matter how hard I study, my French is not getting better. I am very anxious.
YY: Even if you are in a hurry, you can't try so hard. I think maybe there is a problem with your learning methods.
XT: I think it's difficult to pronounce French accurately. The vocabulary is too large for me to remember. My ability to memorize is getting weaken. I've already forgotten the words I learned yesterday.
YY: I've also come across these problems when I was studying English. But you don't have to worry. The beginning is always tough. Once you have grasp the basic knowledge and find the regularities, you will find French easier to learn.
XT: Your English is very fluent now. Please tell me some good learning methods.
YY: The only way to learn is to work hard. There are no shortcuts in studying a language. The only way is to exercise constantly. Practice makes perfect. Pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and writing essays – they are all slowly improved with repeated exercising.
XT: It makes sense, I have to work hard!