菊花 Chrysanthemum
Yuán Zhěn (Táng)
Qiūcóng rào shèsìTáo jiā,
biàn rào líbiān rìjiàn xié.
Búshìhuāzhōng piān'ài jú,
cǐhuākāi jìn gèng wúhuā.
诗词解析 Analysis "陶"指东晋诗人陶渊明,陶渊明最喜爱菊花,在家中种满了菊花。"陶(Táo)" refers to the poet Tao Yuanming (365-427 A.D.)in the Eastern Jin Dynasty(310-420 A.D.), who was very fond of chrysanthemums and planted them everywhere around his house.
房屋的周围开满了一丛一丛的菊花,就像是到了陶渊明的家一样,我绕着篱笆专心地观赏着菊花,不知不觉已经夕阳西下了。并不是我在百花之中就单单偏爱菊花,只是因为在这种花开过以后,就再也没有别的花可以欣赏了。Clusters of chrysanthemums flourishing around the house remind me of Tao Yuanming's home. As I go round about the fence and appreciate the flowers attentively, the sun sets down in the west before I know it. It is not because I only favor this flower, but there are no more other flowers to be appreciated after the fading of this kind.
这首诗写诗人对菊花的喜爱和他喜爱菊花的原因。菊花不畏风霜,是四季里百花之中最后凋谢的花,因此得到了诗人的特殊喜爱。本诗不仅仅表达了诗人对菊花的喜爱,更含有诗人对菊花凌霜傲雪品格的赞美。The poet says the poet's favor with chrysanthemums and the reason is that they are the most long lasting flowers among all the plants whose flower season is in the late autumn. The poem shows not only the poet's love for chrysanthemums but also his admiration for their fearless and lofty characters.词语注释 Words菊花(júhuā)n. chrysanthemum绕(rào)v.surround篱笆(líba)n. fence观赏(guānshǎng)v. appreciate不畏风霜(bú wèi fēngshuāng)ph. disregard of harsh weather凋谢(diāoxiè)v. wither凌霜傲雪(líng shuāng ào xuě)ph. fear neither frost nor snow