仓(cāng)字形: 在甲骨文中,"仓"的上部是一座粮仓的顶部,中间是一扇门,下面是粮仓门口的基石。本义是"粮仓",现在也可以指储存物资的建筑物。
On ancient
oracle bone inscriptions, the upper part of "仓" is the top of a granary, with a door in the middle and a cornerstone below. Its original meaning is granary, and now can refer to any building that can store supplies.
组词:仓储: cāngchǔ / to store in a warehouse仓促: cāngcù / hastily; hurriedly; in a hurry仓库: cāngkù/ warehouse; storehouse粮仓:liáng cāng / granary例句1. 我的爸爸是一名仓库管理员。Wǒ de bàba shì yīmíng cāngkù guǎnlǐyuán.My father is a warehouse administrator.2. 我不想仓促地做出一个决定,你让我考虑一下儿吧!Wǒ bùxiǎng cāngcù de zuòchū yī ge juédìng ,nǐ ràng wǒ kǎolǜ yī xiàr ba!I do not want to make a decision in such a rush; let me think about it!图片来源:http://www.wangtu.com/beijing/youji/22247.html