
万事俱备,只欠东风 Wànshì jù bèi, zhǐ qiàn dōngfēng

万事俱备,只欠东风 Wànshì jù bèi, zhǐ qiàn dōngfēng


During the Three Kingdoms Period, there occurred a famous battle between the army led by Cao Cao, and Zhou Yu along with Zhuge Liang which was called the "Battle of Red Cliffs".


Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang loaded flammable materials into boats and decided to deliver a fire attack against Cao Cao. All had been prepared, but they needed the aid of southeastern wind which could spread the fire to Cao's army. But northwestern wind blew in Red Cliffs everyday which made Zhou Yu anxious. He asked Zhuge Liang what to do.

       诸葛亮上知天文,下知地理。通过观察天象,他对周瑜说他有办法借到东南风。于是周瑜马上让人修了一个土台 ,让诸葛亮在土台上祈求东南风。

Zhuge Liang was quite knowledgeable. Through observing astronomical phenomena, he told Zhou Yu he had a method to borrow southeastern wind. Therefore, Zhou Yu ordered a platform to be built, upon which Zhuge Liang could pray for southeastern wind.


Three days later, sure enough, the southeastern wind began to blow. Zhou Yu rapidly executed the fire attack and Cao Cao's army was defeated.


率领:(shuàilǐng) v. to command

战役:(zhànyì) n. battle

着火:(zháohuǒ) v. be on fire

火攻:(huǒgōng ) n. fire attack

借助:(jièzhù) v. with the help of

蔓延:(mànyán) v. to spread

上知天文,下知地理:(shàngzhītiānwén, xiàzhīdìlǐ)know astronomy, knowledge of Geography

天象:(tiānxiàng) astronomical phenomena

土台:(tǔtái)n. mound

祈求:(qǐqiú) v.to beg

执行:(zhíxíng) v. to act; to carry out



"万事俱备,只欠东风" means everything is ready except for one last crucial element.


1、 旅行的机票和酒店都订上了,现在万事俱备,只欠东风,等着放假吧。
We have booked plane tickets and hotels, everything is ready. We just have to wait for vacation.

2、 项目的材料已经准备好了,万事俱备,只欠东风,就等着执行了。
The materials have all been prepared; the project is now awaiting implementation.