
车水马龙 Chē shuǐ mă lóng

车水马龙 Chē shuǐ mă lóng


Once upon a time, there was a Queen whose surname was Ma. She lived very simply. She liked to read and was very sensible. When she became Queen, many people wanted to please her. Even the King and ministers tried to reward her families.


When she came to know of  it, she was very angry. She said, "My family members are not frugal, so you should not reward them." The King asked her, "Tell me, just how luxurious are they?"


The Queen replied, "The long line of chariots and horses at their front gates which come bearing gifts are like flowing water and a swimming dragon. They only know how to enjoy themselves, but don't know to share the burden with the country. So you mustn't reward them."


简朴:(jiănpǔ)adj. simple and unadorned

巴结:(bājie) v. to flatter

奖赏:( jiăngshăng)v. reward (in money, etc.)

奢侈:( shēchǐ) adj. luxurious

游龙:( yóulóng) n. flying dragon

送礼:(sònglǐ) v. give sb. a present

享乐:(xiănglè) v. to enjoy


       "车水马龙"本意是车像流水马像游龙,形容车多马多,后来 用来比喻人来车往,非常热闹。

The original meaning of "车水马龙"is  many carts and horses. Later it's used to describe the bustling of many people and vehicles.


Beijing Temple Fair is bustling with huge crowds of people.

The street has a lot of traffic, so you must be careful when you cross the road.