双管齐下shuāng guǎn qí xià 唐朝有一位著名的画家叫张燥,他擅长画山水、松石。张燥作画的时候,左右手各握一支笔,可以同时在纸上作画。一支笔画苍翠的松枝,另一支笔画枯干虬枝,画出的松树惟妙惟肖,人们都说他是神笔。
During the Tang Dynasty, there lived a famous artist named Zhang Zao who was a master
painter of landscapes, pine trees and stones. He could paint with a brush in each hand, one brush portraying dark green pine branches while the other illustrated dried up branches. His paintings were very vivid and many praised him for possessing a magic pen.
词语注释:松石:(sōngshí)n. Pine and Stone (An important element of Chinese landscapepainting featuring pine trees and stones)苍翠cāngcuì) adj. dark green虬枝:( qiú zhī) n. the curled branch of a tree意义: "双管齐下","管"指笔,原指手握双笔同时作画。后比喻做一件事两个方面同时进行或两种方法同时使用。
"双管齐下","管" refers to a brush. Its original meaning was to paint with two brushes, one in each hand. Now its used as a metaphor for a two-pronged approach.
例句:1、他们采用降价和送货上门两种销售手段,双管齐下,这个月的营业额果然上升了不少。They used two methods to reduce prices and deliver goods door to door, which led to a marked increase in the volume of sales this month.2、治疗这种病就要采取按摩和吃药双管齐下的方式。Both massage and medicine are required to treat this illness.