
闭门羹 bìmén'gēng cold-shoulder treatment; refusal of entrance

cold-shoulder treatment; refusal of entrance

释义 Meaning


"闭门羹"means the guest was refused by the host or the host is not at home. "闭门" is the door is closed; 羹:soupy food. It's like that the host treats his guest to food that he does not welcome. So it's often said with "吃闭门羹".

例句 Sentences

Wǒ qù zhǎo le tā sāncì le, měicì dōu chī bìmén'gēng.
I have gone his home 3 times but I received cold-shoulder treatment every time.

Tuīxiāo rényuán jīngcháng chī gùkè de bìmén'gēng.
The salesmen often suffer refusal of entrance from the customers.