léi rén
雷人léi rénshocking用法说明: "雷人"本义是云层放电时击倒某人。目前网络上流行的"雷人"有新的含义,是出人意料且令人格外震惊,让人感到很无语的意思。
The original meaning of "雷人" is to be struck by lightning. Now on the internet, it has new meaning, which is to shock someone or leave someone speechless.
例句:1. 对这位明星的采访很雷人。Duìzhè wèi míngxīng de cǎifǎng hěn léirén.The interview of the celebrity is shocking.2. 她经常打扮得很雷人,大家都无法接受。Tā jīngcháng dǎban de hěn léirén,dàjiā dōu wúfǎ jiēshòu.She usually dresses shockingly. No one can stand it.