
tǔ cáo
to ridicule


在网络上,"吐槽"多表示揶揄、拆台。 "吐槽"绝对不等于抱怨、发泄。网络上很多人误解了"吐槽"的真正含义,把"吐槽"理解为单纯的抱怨,是不对的。
Online, "吐槽" usually means being ridiculed or undercut. It is important thing to note that "吐槽" does not mean to complain or vent. Many people online misunderstand the true meaning of "吐槽," as is does not mean simply to complain.


1. 最近网上都在转发他的吐槽帖子,都觉得他说得非常到位。
Zuìjìn wǎngshàng dōu zài zhuǎnfā tā de tǔcáo tiězǐ, dōu juéde tā shuōde fēicháng dàowèi.
Recently, people online are forwarding his mocking post. They all think that what he said is correct.

2. 广大网友纷纷吐槽:这个规定太不合理了!
Guǎngdà wǎngyǒu fēnfēn tǔcáo :zhè ge guīdìng tài bùhélǐ le.
The majority of internet users ridicule that this requirement is unreasonable.
